“Some place mystical and legendary,” Sebastian says with a smile.

I rack my brain as this has turned into a guessing game. “Camelot?” I ask with a smirk that gets wiped off my face by their exchanged look.

“Close,” Sebastian says, taking his role of Game Master quite seriously.

Close. That sort of leaves only one place I can think of, but it’s impossible. Isn’t it? “Tintagel?” I ask with a high-pitched squeak.

“Got it in two,” Sebastian says proudly, then adds to CK, “Man, she is smart.”

“Isn’t she just,” CK says, a dozen emotions pouring out of his eyes and into mine, making me forgive him for his lies. Or omissions, whatever.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Devon snorts from his corner.

“I don’t get it,” Cole says. “Where is that?”

“Cornwall,” Devon answers him. “The supposed birthplace of King Arthur.”

“Not supposed,” Sebastian says.

“What?” Cole says. “That’s just a load of crap.”

“You are saying that my sister’s whereabouts is a load of crap?” CK says calmly. Tones can be deceiving, though. He is flaming mad.

I step in to diffuse this situation. “Cole, baby, after everything you’ve seen and done, isn’t it possible?”

“I suppose,” he concedes. “Yesterday I would have said the same if you told me I was a half Demon.”

Oddly he looks to Xane for confirmation he got the terminology right and to my utmost surprise Xane shakes his head. “Half Dragon twice removed,” he says.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I mutter as Cole goes pale. “Moving on. You say she lives in a small village in Cornwall? Seems an odd place.”

“Not quite,” Sebastian says and smirks at me and now I don’t feel quite so smart.

“Rosalina lives in a different plane that you can only reach via a portal that is situated…”

“At Tintagel Castle ruins?” I say, interrupting CK, desperate to get my smarts back.

“Yes,” he says with an indulgent smile.


?I’m in!” I say enthusiastically, clapping my hands. Christ, to meet a part of CK’s family is like being handed everything I ever wanted. Oh, I see now why CK is so pissed off with Sebastian. He did just give me what I always wanted. Jerk.

“Back to the present,” Lincoln says. “All that is in the future. You aren’t due your, you know, for a few weeks. I need you now,” he states firmly.

“So do I,” Xane says and Cade slurs something similar before he zones back out again.

“Okay,” I say. “Let me get showered and changed and feed Cade, and then Linc, we’ll go to L.A. I hope it isn’t as bad as last time?”

“No, everyone is well aware of your absence and the reason why. They aren’t happy, but you’re back now. Oh, and not L.A., next door.” He juts his thumb out.

“You moved them to the Underworld?” I ask. “Why?”

“We needed to close ranks, Aefre. It was quite serious. Your long absence, while accepted under the circumstances, made everyone a bit tetchy,” CK says.

“How tetchy?” I ask with dread.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Xane says, holding out his hand for me. “I think as your husband, I take precedence over the Wolf.”