“I don’t want to fight with you,” Sebastian says.

“I don’t like it either, but it is what it is,” Constantine says with a shrug.

Sebastian nods and stands up. In the blink of an eye, he is dressed, and Constantine feels a pang of regret that he has to go and cut short their time together.

“Thank you,” he says, and Sebastian’s eyes go to his.

“I love you,” Sebastian says quietly and then puffs out.

Constantine flops back to the bed to enjoy the last of his post-sex glow before he has to get up and rejoin the real world.

“Cade,” Devon says, giving him a shove. “Cade, man, it’s time to feed.” Devon is reluctant to help the man who betrayed his sire, but Cole asked him to, and he couldn’t refuse him. Not to mention Liv would be furious with him if he had refused to help her charge.

Cade doesn’t open his eyes, but still grabs hold of Devon’s wrist and sinks his fangs into his flesh. He lets go after only a few pulls and turns away.

Devon straightens up and Cole smiles his thanks at him. He shrugs and heads for the door but stops when Cole just stands there staring at their other sibling.

“What?” he asks.

“I’m worried about him,” Cole says. “All I can think of when I look at him is Gustav and how I don’t want either of us to end up like that.”

Devon frowns. “Who is Gustav?” he asks.

Cole’s eyes snap to his and then he exhales slowly. “Ah, fuck. Never mind,” he mutters.

“Oh no, clearly you have something else to say,” Devon growls.

“No, it’s nothing,” Cole says and makes a hasty escape from the room. He hadn’t realized that Liv never said anything to Devon about him. Although, in retrospect, it makes sense. Devon would be gutted to know he wasn’t the only one for all the time he knew her.

Cole pushes open his bedroom door and stops as he finds Constantine lying in repose on the bed. He hasn’t seen the guy sleep, like, ever.

Constantine opens his eyes and scowls at them. “What?” he snaps.

“Who is Gustav?” Devon demands.

Constantine glares at Cole, who looks away sheepishly. “No one you need to know about,” he says, climbing out of bed completely naked and completely unashamed.

“I beg to differ,” Devon says. “If you are keeping it from me, he is clearly someone important.”

“Not anymore,” Constantine replies glibly and pulls on his robe. “Now if you will excuse me, I need to shower and get back to finding my wife.” He walks to the bathroom and pauses. “By the way,” he adds to Devon. “You really should keep your charge on a tighter leash. She likes to play with fire.”

“What did you do to her?” Devon roars at him, but Constantine just raises his eyebrow.

“Why, nothing. Perhaps you should ask her what she did to me?” He phrases it as a question just to piss Devon off further before he slams the door shut on them and their conversation.

Devon whirls around and Cole shrugs. “Don’t look at me, man. I have no idea. Although…” He glances at the bed and Devon’s eyes follow and his face hardens.

“If he so much as touched her, I will kill him,” he growls.

Cole breathes out in relief that the Gustav thing has been forgotten and he turns to pull his t-shirt over his head. He grabs another from the dresser, only to find Devon watching him with hooded eyes. He knows all about Devon’s crush, or whatever the Hell it is, on him by now. He has been suppressing some of the same feelings towards Devon, unsure of how to deal with them and hoping they will pass once his sire returns home. Devon catches him watching and does nothing to mask his growing desire. Cole shifts uncomfortably and Devon steps closer.

“So, Gustav?” he asks.

Cole sighs. Devon clearly isn’t going to drop this, even in light of the fact that it looks like Constantine has banged his charge very recently. “He was a charge of Liv’s,” he says shortly. “Just leave it at that.”

“How come I don’t know the name?” Devon says. “And you do, and what happened to him.”

“It’s a long and tragic story,” Cole says. “If Liv wanted you to know, she would have told you.” It was a mean thing to say, but he couldn’t resist having the upper hand for once.