I smile at him. “I love you too,” I say. “But…”

He sighs and rolls off me. “I know, this doesn’t change anything. But, Xerxei, you must be my wife in every respect. You must move to the Underworld immediately. We cannot give them any cause for reopening this Trial.”

“I know,” I say. And I do know. We should have already been living here, but circumstance has prevented that. “As soon as I get back and heal from the almighty beating, I am going to receive, we will move, okay?” I add lightly.

He goes all protective and ferocious on me. “If anyone ever hurts you even in the slightest way, I will burn their insides out with Hellfire,” he says.

“That does not sound pleasant,” I say as I get up. I am going to have to get going and face my music. I was so angry with Xane for trapping me like he did, and I haven’t faced humiliation like the watching of the consummation for a good, long time, but the rational part of me has to agree with him, that it worked. It is no longer a worry hanging over my head what would happen if I was ruled a Septimus. I really don’t know how Xerxei would have taken that. “What would have happened if they had ruled against us?” I ask, wanting to know.

Xane looks a bit startled by my question, but answers me truthfully, “We would have been forbidden to be together, you would have become Sven’s wife and he would have taken over my rule.”

“What?” I snap at him. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

He just shrugs, as men do. Infuriating beasts. Hey, wait…

“So, you only want me, so you stay Overlord?” I ask, my anger firing up again.

“No!” he protests and grabs my hands before I can fling him across the room again. This time I was going to aim for the windows. “Xerxei, don’t be ridiculous. I love you; I want you because you are you. You claimed me and I accepted you. I made you my wife because I want to be your husband.”

Oh, well, when you put it like that. Appeased, I stow my magick and he lets my hands go but pulls me back onto the bed by my hips. “Don’t go yet,” he murmurs.

I chew my lip. I want to stay here and make love to him again. He makes my heart beat faster and my brain to go all fuzzy, but most importantly and most secretly, he makes me feel completely at peace. The tug-of-war inside me over all of my lovers goes away when I am with him. I know it is the Blood Magick bond, I know we are supposed to be together, but I have my Vampires to think about and I would never let Lincoln down in a million years, coma aside, of course.

“Don’t think about them,” he says as if reading my thoughts. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

Oh, a request like that is hard to ignore. I know what I want him to do to me. However, we are out of time. “Next time,” I say.

He flops back to the bed. “You are killing me,” he says. Then looks at me intently. “Xerxei,” he says. “Next time, I want to show you the real me.”

Intrigued, I sit back down. “The real you?” I ask. “You mean your Demonic form?” I am almost salivating at the bit. I am achingly curious to see, for more than a second, what he Shifts to. His piercing blue eyes widen as he sees my eagerness. “I will show you that, if you like,

” he says. “But what I meant was, there are things I want to do to you and that I want you to do to me, that involves something other than sex.”

I flick my eyes quickly to the chains and then back to his. I lick my lips as I picture him chained to the wall, naked. Sadly, he has another thing coming if he wants to do that to me. It’s a little too close to home. Cuffs I can deal with, chains, not so much. Like I said before, way too dungeon-style for my liking. However, never let it be said I wasn’t up for anything. “Okay,” I say. “But I have strict rules.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he murmurs to me and I go wet as he lowers his eyes. Fuck me. It won’t ever be me chained to that wall. Interesting twist. The powerful Demon Overlord likes a bit of a spank. I slam him back to the bed and climb on top of him before he can say another word. I ride him quickly and powerfully, drenching his cock because I am so turned on right now. He groans as he feels me slick around him and we come together, panting and sweating.

“Now, I have to go,” I say as I climb off him. He lets me go this time and I look around for a shower. It doesn’t look much like this place is up to modern standards, so I just Shift, get dressed, and decide to Astral myself straight into the guest room shower at home. Better to save myself the additional hassle. I blow him a kiss and Astral off, landing precisely in the shower. I strip off and get myself washed and then pull on the sexiest outfit I can find as a way of a distraction. I have a funny feeling I am going to be throwing some punches soon, as well as avoiding a few, perhaps I should change into fighting gear? I decide against it as it will look aggressive, like I am expecting them to attack me.

I am starving again now, so I make my way down to the kitchen, not encountering anyone on the way down. Odd.

I fix myself a sandwich, glad to see that someone took it upon themselves to go shopping for groceries. I am guessing Lincoln had a hand in that. I sit at the kitchen island and take a big bite. I savor the taste of the cheese and tomato and chew slowly, also savoring the silence. That is soon ruined as Jess comes into the kitchen and stops when she sees me. Her eyes flick to the food in front of me and she smiles and says, “Some blood to wash it down with?” as she takes a bottle out of the fridge and hands it to me.

“No thanks,” I say. “Not really feeling it today.” Now that is really odd, more odd than the eating thing. She looks almost disappointed as she replaces it carefully in the fridge.

“About the other day,” she says.

“Already forgotten,” I say with my mouth full. It’s not forgotten but keep your enemies closer and all that. Just as soon as I can, I will remove this girl from Devon’s life, Rogue or not. I am Queen. I can protect him.

“Thanks,” she says. “I was having a bad day.”

“I have those frequently,” I say, and she laughs. I will smile at her and play nice. Then she won’t see me strike. “In fact, this one is about to be a doozy,” I add as I sense CK way before he smashes his way into the kitchen.

And by smashes, I do mean that literally.

The door flies off its hinges as it splinters into a thousand pieces. He is followed closely by Cole and the only thing that could make these two look more menacing, is if they were brandishing weapons of mass destruction.

They are MAAAAAD!