“I hope not,” he says. “I needed the Vampire to get what I couldn’t, so I told him what he wanted to hear. I still have plans for you for which I need you alive and well.”

“Like what?” I ask, still stalling him. He is on to me now though and shakes his head.

“Enough talking,” he states with such finality, I do stop talking.

Well, I guess this is it. I am a goner, and it is going to hurt like a motherfucker before I do finally die. I mentally say goodbye to all my loved ones. I hope that one day they find out what happened to me and can have some closure. I hope that Cole will be okay and that despite everything, CK will look after him for me. I can feel the tears prick my eyes now and I turn my head away from him.

He sighs and says, “I will take you back to them, Aefre. They will know what happened to you, regardless of whether you live or die.”

Oh, well I suppose that is something then. It gives me a small amount of comfort that they will be able to give me a send-off. Even after the hurtful treachery of my newest charge, I say to Remiel, “Don’t tell the others that it was Cade. They will kill him. I am still his sire and I must still protect him. Just say you got the jump on me.”

He looks surprised but agrees to my request. “As you wish.”

He sits next to me on the rock and lifts my left arm. “I only need a small bite to get myself back into my body to heal. I will need more after I have risen.”

I gulp. This is sounding scarier by the second. I nod as he is looking at me, expecting me to say I understand what he needs me for. I just want it over with now. It doesn’t seem like I am going to be rescued, so I want it done. He bends over me and drops his huge, venomous fangs. I close my eyes tightly as he sinks them into the soft skin at my wrist, piercing me with a sharp snap to his jaw. I muffle my yelp as the lance of pain shoots through my arm, bringing all the feeling back tenfold, before it blissfully goes numb again. He lets me go and steps away from me, I assume to float back into his body, or whatever, and begin healing. I can’t even imagine how that must feel, to have his limbs and head all sewn back together to make him whole again. I get some idea though when he grunts in pain, which turns into a growl, which turns into a howl of epic proportions. I keep my eyes tightly closed, as I don’t really want to see what has arisen when I hear him stagger to his feet. He hasn’t fed for three thousand years, so there is no way I am getting out of this alive. But curiosity gets the better of me, stupid fool that I am. I crack my eyes open a tiny bit, now wanting to see the creature that is going to do me in. I open them wide in fear at the feral creature in front of me snarling, the venom dripping from his fangs in huge droplets as he advances on me. He is no longer the poised, suited, quite handsome man I have come to know, but a creature who looks as old as he really is. His hair is all long and straggly and he is dressed as he would have been when he was slaughtered, in bear skin and tanned hide. His skin is gray and so dry it is dusting off him. His eyes are bright red an

d that’s all I get to see as he launches himself at me and sinks his fangs into my neck as I scream out in terror and pain.

I come to and try to open my eyes. They are practically glued together, but I can tell it is really bright, so I decide against it for the moment. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth, which is desert dry. I make a small moan and try to lift my hand to my head, but it hurts too much. Everything just hurts.

“Aefre!” I hear CK exclaim quietly to me. Or maybe it is just my ears that are a bit muffled. He sounds like he is yelling, but he seems very far away.

“Liv!” I hear Cole now as well and feel them both take my hands in theirs.

“Ergh,” I manage to get out and feel a glass being pressed to my lips. I drink slowly, but deeply and try again to open my eyes. The sun is streaming in through the window, almost blinding me. Fuck, could they not shut them, never to be opened again? I try to ask them, but no sound comes out. I close my eyes again and feel myself drifting off again into the ether as I hear CK shout at me, “No, Aefre! Don’t go back under, please, stay with me.”

I awake slowly this time. Right, let’s try this again, I think grimly. I am aching all over, I am thirsty, sweaty, and hungry for blood, and I just feel disgusting in every which way. I open my eyes and I am relieved to see it is now night-time. The curtains are still open, but a cool, soft breeze is blowing in through the partially cracked window. I shiver in the chill. I look to my right and Cole is lying on the bed next to me fast asleep. The gods, he looks awful. He looks tormented and exhausted. I want to wake him, to ask him to help me get up, but another look at his sleeping face makes me decide to leave him. I sit up slowly and grab my head as it spins. I am as weak as a kitten and I need to find some blood soon. I spot the water jug on the nightstand and grab that with my left hand. I almost drop it as the pain radiates through me and I catch it, just, steadying it with my right hand. I put it to my lips and drink. It tastes stale like it has been sitting there for a couple of days, but right now I would drink it even if it had algae floating in it. I gulp it back and place it back on the nightstand with a soft thump, not wanting to wake Cole. I wonder where CK is. Why is he not here waiting for me to get up? I remember everything that happened vividly, unfortunately. That I helped Remiel resurrect himself, that he almost drained me, and that he brought me back here all but unconscious. I wonder how many days ago that was? It couldn’t have been that many as I still feel like utter crap. But I am alive and that is what matters. Now, I just need to stay that way. The thought of blood gets me on my feet and I slowly and shakily make my way over to the door. I frown down at the old-fashioned, white cotton nightgown that I am currently dressed in. Covered neck to toes, clearly CK didn’t want me laying around in the buff. This is not an outfit Cole would ever choose to put on me. I open the door quietly and make my way painfully to the stairs. The house is deathly quiet, which is annoying as I could really use some help right about now. I think of calling to Cole, but it would use just as much energy as it would to start my descent, so off I go. One at a time. My knees wobble and I think this is how Bambi must have felt. I am several stairs from the bottom when CK finally makes an appearance. He looks up at me as if he has seen a ghost. Mind you, I probably look like one floating around in this ridiculous nightgown.

“CK,” I say as my knees give way and I collapse, straight into his waiting arms.

“Aefre,” he whispers, gathering me to him and cradling me close. “You’re awake.”

I nod, with my mouth really close to his neck, and, being frightfully rude, I clamp down on him, expecting my fangs to drop and for me to be draining him.

Only, I have no fangs.

All I am doing is ineffectually biting him with my teeth. He grunts in surprise and I pull back sheepishly.

“Sorry,” I mumble, “hungry.”

He slices a gash across his neck, and I attach myself to him, lapping away at him until my fangs decide they are now blood-soaked enough to be capable of functioning and drop straight into his neck. He pulls me closer to him and sits on the stairs, knowing I am not going to be able to pull back. He lets me go for as long as I can and then he gently pushes on my forehead to get me to release him. Reluctantly, I let him go, but I feel a tiny bit better. With a sigh, I slump back into his tightening embrace.

“Where is Cole? Why did he not help you down or call me?” he asks.

“He is sleeping,” I say with great effort. “I didn’t want to wake him.”

“Sleeping?” he snaps. “He is meant to be watching you.”

“I’m okay,” I say even though we both know it’s a big, fat lie. “Leave him, he looked exhausted.”

“Humph,” he replies rudely, and I frown. “You need more blood, come, human this time.” He stands up with me still in his arms and carries me swiftly to the kitchen. He places me gently on the counter and goes to the fridge where we keep our stash. I run my hand through my hair while I wait for him and find my fingers get stuck in all the sweaty tangles. I quickly pull my hand out and grab a fistful of my long hair and say to him, “Could you at least have brushed it?”

He chuckles and says, “You look beautiful. I have been so worried about you. I thought I had lost you.” He hands me the glass. I drink it back slowly and he hands me another, and then another. “No more just yet. You will make yourself sick.”

I nod, as I am starting to feel a bit queasy. “What time did I wake up this morning?” I ask, looking at the clock and seeing it is now almost midnight.

He peers at me curiously and says cautiously, “This morning?”