“What is going on here?” he asks, getting angry, but Aefre shushes him.

“Do not worry, Devon. I am going to take you away with me, far away from here. Would you like that?” she asks him soothingly.

He seems to fall under whatever spell she is holding over him and that concerns me, but she strokes his face and he agrees to her request. It sort of reminds me of the power that CK holds over me when I am distressed, he can calm me in an instant.

“Yes,” he breathes. “Take me away with you.”

She nods and let’s go of him. He only has eyes for her, as she turns to the slumped over human. She drops her fangs and Devon’s arousal goes off the charts. She sees it and uses it. She lifts the man up and sinks her fangs into him and starts to drain him. I knew this was her plan. She couldn’t risk leaving someone here that could fuck up her timeline. She is going to bleed him out just enough that he lasts while we Astral out and then he will die. I feel an overwhelming guilt and I look away. All I can hope for is that he is a bad person who deserves this. After only a few seconds, she lets him go and I frown at her, until I see Devon stalking towards her.

Ah! I have to get out of here, before he does to her what mine did to me. I back out of the barn quietly and cover my ears. No way do I want to listen to this, but I can’t leave without them either. After several, long minutes, I uncover my ears and I don’t hear any sex noises, so I take a chance and peek back in. Aefre is slightly ruffled, as is Devon, but both are fully clothed and Aefre is finishing off the human.

“Hurry up,” I snap at her, irate to be in this situation. She blinks at me, but Devon ignores me, no longer interested in me now that I am a petite, green-eyed blonde. He watches her in fascination and when she lets the man go, he grabs onto her. “I want to know everything about you,” he whispers to her and she closes her eyes, reveling at his touch.

Oh, gods, get me out of here!

“Can we go now?” I ask.

“Yes,” Aefre says and I take hold of both of them and Astral our arses back to her hotel room.

Cole is waiting impatiently, pacing, and stops dead when he sees us, all dressed like out of a history book. I return to my normal garb, but Aefre wisely chooses to stay as she is. She is going to have some explaining to do and quite frankly, rather her than me. I’ve done my part and now it is time to go home.

“I’ll see ya,” I say to her.

“Wait,” she says and for the first time looks uncertain.

“Your bed, missy,” I say to her. “I have done as you asked. The rest is up to you.”

Devon is staring at me again, almost in fear, as I have changed into an outfit so scandalous to him, it wouldn’t even be classified as undergarments in 1506.

“Just go with it,” I tell him, and he has no idea what I am saying to him.

He blinks, once, then twice, and promptly passes out.

“I guess he is a little overwhelmed,” Aefre states the obvious.

“Just a little,” I agree.

“What are you going to do with him now?” Cole asks his sire and she turns to him with a loving smile.

“I am going to turn him, and we will be together forever, just like us,” she says as she embraces him tightly.

“No, I mean right now,” he says, indicating Devon’s prone state.

“May I make a suggestion?” I say, as this is just getting ridiculous.

“Please,” she says to me.

“Bath, shave, haircut, and new clothes. The rest will come,” I say, hands on hips, choosing vanity over anything else. I had forgotten how disgusting the sixteenth century was for the less fortunate. Even the fortunate didn’t bathe very often, the gods help us.

“Yes, good,” she says and scampers off to the bathroom to run him a bath. He will probably get all dazed again when he sees the size of the tub, but again, not my problem.

“Thank you,” Cole says to me as we linger in silence. “She has wanted this so badly and you have given it to her.”

“No worries,” I say uncomfortably. “Err, I should…” I jut my thumb out in a 'to go' gesture.

“Do you think she will be okay?” he asks suddenly. “This is a lot to deal with.”

“She will be just fine. Will you be okay?” I ask.