Buckinghamshire, England, June 2013 - Liv

“What is exactly is that supposed to mean?” Cole asks in dread as CK goes all fierce.

“It means, that she will be used to produce this so-called blessed baby,” CK growls at him.

“Oh,” Cole gulps and then gets angry. “That is not going to happen. Liv, you promised me there would be no Faerie baby!”

So, he’s less annoyed about me being used and more about me doing what I promised I wouldn’t. Gee thanks.

“Calm yourself,” I snap at him, irate. “There isn’t going to be a baby. Seb, what exactly do you mean if we get married, I will be safe from him?”

“Even if I abdicate, you will be mine,” he says, to much growling and hissing from my husbands. “The Faerie are quite traditional in their views on marriage and as long as I live, even if I am no longer King, you will be mine and not be given to anyone else. Even in this instance, the responsibility will fall on me.”

I put my hands on my hips, extremely pissed off all of a sudden. These creatures just cannot go around thinking that I am some sort of prize to be won and then passed along as and when they feel like it.

“You know what I mean.” Sebastian tries to placate me as he sees my rise in temper.

“Hm,” I say to him. “Are you absolutely sure? Even under these circumstances? I just want all of this over with.”

“I know you do, but it will never be over with. They are all going to expect a baby, Livvie. You are going to have to face that,” Sebastian says, quite boldly, I think.

CK has had enough of this and does something he has probably wanted to do since the day he threw me out of the tower at Ponte. He draws his fist back and punches Sebastian squarely in the face. He held back, of course, a lot! But man, that had to hurt. Sebastian’s nose is flattened, blood spurting out everywhere, both of his eyes have gone black, and he is furious with his sire. I grab Cole a second before Sebastian retaliates, moving him away from the fight that is about to go down. I stand there gaping at them, wrestling like two idiots, as Cole is trying his hardest not to laugh. I don’t blame him. I have no doubt he would have loved to be the one to hit Sebastian, not to mention having CK bent over double with a fist to the stomach. I have to wonder if Sebastian will pull out his magick, but then think probably not. He would rather kill himself than really hurt our sire. Not that CK would go down without a fight. I remember his own power and I have no doubt that Fae King or not, as his Vampire charge, Sebastian would be affected by it. I huff at both of them, now grappling in the grass, exchanging blows that would punch holes through a weaker Vampire.

“Enough!” I shout at them. I have enough to worry about with my parents still arguing in the library. I march over as they ignore me and grab each of them by the collars, hauling them to their feet. “Enough,” I say again. “Look at you two, you are both nearly three thousand years old and you are acting like this is a schoolyard.”

They both glare at each other but make no move as I have them held tightly in my grip. I feel them both lose t

heir Vampire tension and I let them go. I take in their appearance with a look which does not hide my feelings over their adolescent behavior. They are both crushed and bloody and their clothes are torn, and grass stained. They are a mess.

“There is no need for this,” I admonish them.

“Yes, there is!” CK shouts at Sebastian. “He is using this whole prophecy business to get you into his bed and pregnant with his child. I will not, NOT allow that to happen, Aefre. Do you hear me?” He turns his bellowing on to me and I just roll my eyes at him.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I scoff. “Sebastian doesn’t want this baby either.” I am fully confident in this declaration because he has told me that he doesn’t. I look to Sebastian for confirmation, but he is looking away almost guiltily and I prod him. “Seb?” I snap at him. “Tell our sire that you don’t want this baby.” I say it almost as a warning, because if he has changed his mind about it, I will smack him around a bit myself. I wait as he remains silent, and I am just about to blast him with a punch of my own when he sighs.

“It’s not so much that I want it, but that they aren’t going to give up until we have it,” he says quietly.

“They can’t make you have it,” Cole says, stepping to my side. “They can’t force you two to have sex.” He looks at me then and adds, “Can they?” in fear.

“No, Cole,” I say, “they cannot.” I leave out the fact that Sebastian and I are already engaging in that act all on our own. No force necessary. Fortunately, so does Sebastian and I am grateful he took the high road. I am even more grateful when Tiamat and Drake join us on the lawn.

“Get your issues sorted?” I ask, more than a little sarcastically.

I see them both take in the destruction that is CK and Sebastian along with my lawn filled with fist-sized potholes, and mutter, “Don’t ask,” and neither of them do.

Tiamat smoothes down Her hair and adjusts Her gown and I see the flush on Her cheeks and Drake’s smug, self-satisfied look.

Oh, the old gods! My own cheeks flush with mortification as I realize what they were just up to, and it wasn’t fighting! I guess there is a thin line between love and hate. Although, I am pleased in a way that I am now not the only one in the garden who is being less than true to one. Hypocrites, I think with more glee than I should.

“No,” Tiamat says. “We will never agree on this. The only course of action is to see where your fate lies. Your true destiny, Aefre, is about to be revealed. I hope you are ready for it,” She says and with that She Astrals off, leaving me cold to my core. I did not like the sound of that one bit.

Drake looks at Sebastian and says, “Kalen, we should get back. Who knows what annihilation has been caused in our absence? Aeval, I assume Kalen has told you of your options?”

I nod with a loud gulp. Marry Sebastian or end up as Thrace’s brood mare. Delightful.

“Then make your choice, Daughter. In the interest of not forcing you, I will leave you to think it over for a few days. I am sure you will come to the sensible decision and see this through as we have planned. Come to me when you have chosen.” And with that he leaves too with Sebastian hot on his heels.

Has everyone forgotten how to be courteous in the midst of all this fighting? A simple 'see ya' wouldn’t have gone amiss.