t not to get jealous when CK drops his fangs into my neck. He steps forward to undo the zipper on my skirt and he pushes it over my hips so that I am now also completely naked. CK withdraws his fangs from me and I turn in his arms to help him lose his clothes.

As soon as he is naked, he takes me in his arms and falls back to the bed with me, kissing me gently. He scoots us up to the middle and turns us over, so I am under him. He kneels in front of me, parting my legs as Cole drops his mouth to my nipple to suck me into a state of desire, as CK concentrates his efforts lower down. I am soon writhing against the silk sheets, crying out as crest after crest of pleasure rips through me.

CK kneels again and slides into me as I am still throbbing and he pulls me closer to him, my back slipping easily down the sheets. It doesn’t surprise me that he got there first, as he mutters endearments to me, moving his hips back and forth. Cole muffles my moans as he kisses me and I take hold of him, sliding my hand up and down his silky shaft. I want him in my mouth, so I push him away and sit up. I turn around and get on my hands and knees. CK is back inside me instantly, now pounding into me as I take Cole in my mouth. He whimpers and pushes his hand into my hair as I work my tongue up and down him.

CK is pumping into me faster and faster and I know he is ready to let go. He grunts softly as he releases himself inside me, his fingers digging deep into the flesh at the tops of my thighs as he pulls me back to him. Further and further back, pulling Cole out of my mouth as he sits back, with me on his lap. CK tilts my head in invitation to Cole to feed and he does so without hesitation. CK plays with me while Cole feeds from me and I come in a sudden pulsation against his fingers. CK pushes me forward, off him as Cole retracts his fangs and he lets Cole have me now, briefly, to himself. I look into his eyes as I lower myself onto him and his look of desire is masking something I have never seen before.

Something so primal, so visceral, it takes my breath away. I gasp as he roughly shoves me down onto him and pulls my head to his neck to feed. I drop my fangs and pierce him gently, sucking on him, as CK places soft kisses all the way up my back, causing V.A. to flutter in delight. I release Cole and come loudly, riding him forcefully through my orgasm until he, too, let’s go.

I flop back to the bed feeling wonderful and unsurprisingly I fall asleep almost immediately. I feel kind of bad as my eyes close, leaving Cole with CK. It must be extremely awkward without me there, awake at least, to act as a buffer, but I just can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

I awake, alone, sometime later to the sound of rushing water. It is dark out and I blink sleepily, adjusting my eyes to the hazy candlelight glow. I sit up as the noise stops and CK walks out of the bathroom with a smile.

“Hi,” he says, as he leans casually on the door frame, as he does, with his arms akimbo.

“Hi,” I say with a smile back. “What are you doing?” I add with a hint of amused suspicion.

He walks towards me and holds out his hand to me. I rise from the bed and take it. He leads me into the bathroom, which is also aglow with numerous candles, and over to the waiting bathtub. I catch sight of the red rose petals, floating delicately on the surface of the water and squeeze his hand.

“You did this?” I ask him unnecessarily.

He nods and helps me into the tub. I sink gratefully into the warm water. I have no idea how he got the temperature just right, as he can’t feel it, but it is perfect, and I tell him so. He smiles almost shyly at me and says, “Soak awhile and then get dressed and meet me downstairs in the library.”

“Okay,” I say, wondering what he is all about, as he hands me a glass of red wine mixed with AB Neg. “CK? What is going on?” I ask.

He crouches at the side of the tub and takes my hand. “I am taking you to a special place tonight, my sweet, where we can finally be joined together as man and wife.”

I blink at him in surprise. Wow, that was quick! I had assumed we would have a great big affair, letting the whole world (well, Underworld, anyway) know that we were tying the knot. But subtle has always been his style, so I accept it without argument, with a broad smile.

“I have picked out the perfect dress for you and I will leave it in our bedroom,” he adds.

“Thank you,” I say softly.

“What for?” he asks, puzzled.

“All of this,” I say, gesturing with my glass around the bathroom. “It’s perfect.”

He smiles knowingly at me and then takes my hand again. “You are prefect,” he says. “You deserve nothing less than the best, and I will spend the rest of life making sure that is what you get, my wife.” He kisses my hand and I choke back the tears, as he leaves me alone to contemplate exactly what being his wife is going to be like.

Chapter 3

Buckinghamshire, England, June 2013 - Liv

I finish off my wine cocktail and pluck a rose petal off my arm that has floated over and stuck to my skin. I stand and scoop up the rest of the petals, leaving them on the side. I wash myself slowly and methodically, gearing myself up mentally for what is about to happen next. I wonder where Cole is and if he knows what CK is planning. I must assume that under these circumstances, CK would not be so crass as to exclude Cole from his plans, but I know my sire. Secretive son-of-a-bitch.

I alight from the tub and dry myself off the old-fashioned way as I go back into the bedroom. I see the dress immediately and I race over to it in delight. There is no way in Hell that CK just picked this out today. No, this has been around for a while, I’d wager. It is absolutely beautiful: cut in eighteenth century style with meters of pale pink satin with a delicate rose print design. The front panel of the skirt has roses on a vine patterned down it and the overskirt has the same in the panel across the hips and down the front. It is a low-cut, square neckline with tight sleeves to the elbow with an extravagant flair to the wrists. The bustle at the back is plain silk and I am glad to note that this is in fact a modern day dress and has a zipper instead of a corset, and as such I can put it on myself, which I do hastily, smoothing it down and twirling in the mirror. I slip into the shoes he has left out for me, pleased they are very high and Louboutin. I twist my hair into a style of the period and leave myself jewelry free. If he wanted me to wear a necklace, he would have put one out for me. I make my way downstairs, slowly and steadily, only coming to a halt in the library, where he is waiting for me. He turns as he senses me, and his eyes burn with desire as he sees me.

“Oh gods, you look magnificent,” he whispers as he gathers me in his arms to kiss me.

“Thank you,” I say coquettishly at such a compliment. “So do you.” I return it as I take in his expensive Armani tux. “You decided not to go for the same period?” I add.

He shakes his head. “Not as flattering,” he says with a laugh.

I am about to ask him about Cole, when he, too, steps into the library.

“Wow,” he says. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” I say with a soft smile. He is dressed in a suit and I raise my eyebrow at him.