Time speeds up again and I hear screaming and panic and someone is calling for an ambulance. I hear Lincoln say to Devon to get Cole and Jess out of here. He does it without question, although Cole is protesting, Devon wrestles him into the car and it speeds off. The tears are falling down my face as I take Cade’s hand. I have to save him; there is absolutely no question in my mind about what needs to be done. I don’t give a flying fuck that we are out in public. I attempt a partial Shift and get just one set of claws, which I slice open my wrist with. I lift it to his mouth and his pain-filled, slate gray eyes find mine.

He grips my wrist with what little strength he has left, his fingers closing over the wound, and he says to me, “Don’t you fucking dare.”

Then he passes out.


Buckinghamshire, England, March 2013 – Jess

She sat and waited for her sire. He said he would be up to see her, but that was half an hour ago. She frowned at the clock and started to worry. She couldn’t sit here any longer waiting for him. It was driving her nuts. She raced to the bedroom door, opening it quickly. The house was deadly quiet. The mood was somber after Liv’s news and all the rest of the events that happened after she got back. Jess wished that Liv had stayed there. She glared at the door to her bedroom but passed it quietly. She wanted to know why Constantine left so abruptly and when he would be back. If he was out of the way, her plan might go a bit easier.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and the trail of her sire led her into the billiards room. She stepped into the dark room and it took her a moment to catch sight of him outside on the terrace.

He ran his hands through his hair in that way that told her he was agitated about something. She could see he was speaking to someone, but she couldn’t see who. She stepped closer and then her heart dropped like a stone into the pit of her stomach. Elizabeth. That bitch had come down here and Shifted for him.

She wanted to rip her eyes out of her head, but knew it was impossible. She was completely incapable of hurting her. Hence her plan.

Jess stepped back further into the shadows as she watched her sire take his own in his arms and kiss her with such forceful passion, she wanted to die. He pushed her up against the terrace doors, his hands disappearing up her skirt and Jess fled the room, barely keeping her blood down. She raced up the stairs in a fit of despair, which turned into rage as she passed by Liv’s bedroom again. She had snuck out of the bedroom she shares with her husband to go and fuck Devon. How dare she? Jess was livid and wondered how she could even stand to do something like that after what had happened to her.

Jess was momentarily glad that she had been through an ordeal like she had. She deserved it, the lying, smug, arrogant, manipulative whore! Jess returned to her bedroom to await her sire. She wouldn’t confront him, she wouldn’t confront her boss, she wouldn’t say a word. Jess would keep what she thought she had seen to herself, bottled up to ferment into a hatred so fierce, she would do everything she possibly could to destroy that woman and her hold over Devon once and for all, or she would die trying.

The End

Read on with Betrayal: The Forever Series, Book 9


The Forever Series, Book 9

By Eve Newton

Copyright © Eve Newton, 2014

Copyright © Eve Newton, 2017

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

dead, business e

stablishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Author’s Note

The first seven books of the Forever Series are seen through the perspective of Liv. However, books eight onwards now have the perspectives of all the other characters.

Please note that the character changes are done by chapter, so be sure to note at the beginning of the chapter whose perspective you are reading.


Rome, Italy, May 2013 – Cade

He watches her. She is smiling at her husband with a look of pure adoration that he wishes is focused on him. He hates that feeling. He hates her for what she did. But he can’t stop this feeling of needing to be near her, of wanting to touch her. She catches him looking at her and she flushes, knowing that what she did to him pains him. She knew he didn’t want this, and he will never forgive her, but he can’t stay away from her.

Liv looks away from him and turns her back. He sighs and tears his eyes away from her and goes back to scanning the crowd. He still has a job to do and he won’t fail. Not ever again. He is disgusted with himself for failing two months ago. If he had been doing his job properly, not only would there have been no shots fired, but the shooter wouldn’t have been there in the first place. His head had been so far up his own ass, thinking he was invulnerable, and that’s when it all fell apart. He knew the risks when he took this job. He knew he would start to think like them, act like them, go around thinking that nothing can bring them down, except someone older and stronger. They have no fear, and as a result, Cade grew to have no fear.

Big mistake.