“Oh,” Cole says. He is dying to ask more, like if they are sleeping together, but he bites his tongue. It will anger her, and he doesn’t want to make her angry with him. He needs her to love him and be happy with him. He just has a sick feeling about them, he can’t put his finger on it, and it bugs him.

“How are you feeling?” she asks him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Hungry,” he replies with a soft smile, “but good. How about you?”

“Just perfect,” she says. After a pause, she adds, shyly, “Thank you.”

He hugs her and she returns it. “No need to thank me,” he says with a salacious smile, to ease the mood.

“Go and feed,” she orders him. “I will get bathed and changed while you do.”

Cole agrees and goes off to find a Feeder. He knows there are a couple around here somewhere. He can’t wait to have Dawn back. He has missed her. He is used to her and he considers her his. The only thing that he has that is just his. She is meeting them in Paris, after a few days off with Scott. Now that Liv is back, he feels better, happier, and much more in control. This will be the first fresh feed since the Hunt and his fangs are aching. He finds one of his wife’s Feeders, Edward, and the need to drain him and kill him for daring to engage in such an intimate act with her overwhelms him. He wishes she would use only women. He calms himself and even though he still gets icked out by feeding from men, he takes what he can from him, perfectly under control after his wife’s attentions and sends him on his way.

Chapter 20

Buckinghamshire, England, March 2013 - Liv

I sink into the bubbles and feel at peace. Whatever Cole did to me, healed me inside and I am more in love with him than ever. He let me play with him, and I know I hurt him, but he took it because he knew I needed it. He knew I needed complete control. I am only slightly concerned about the fact that my claws are definitely not those of the average Vampire anymore. I have been seeing this for a while now, going back to when I clawed CK in the grounds at Ponte and they didn’t heal straight away. I am starting to think they are more Dragon, less Vampire at this point. That brings me back to Cole’s ability. My mother has alluded that he is something special, but in Her usual fashion She remains tight-lipped about it. But one thing is for sure, he is definitely something special. For the first time since CK turned me and I wanted only him, I feel that way again with Cole. I don’t want to be with anyone else. He is everything, he is the one. It startles me slightly that I think this, as I am not used to being true to one. I know my Dragon has everything to do with it, and I wonder if it will last. I wonder if my Vampire side will come out of her slumber at some point and try to regain what is hers. I get out of the tub and get dried and dressed and decide now is a good time to face Remiel, if he will come to me. I haven’t seen him since he came to me in the D.F.K., but I want some answers.

I pass Cole on the way out and stop to give him a lingering kiss, which he delights in returning before I tell him I’ll be in the library.

I stand there and call out, “Remiel,” feeling like a bit of an idiot.

“Aefre,” he says as he shimmers into view. “You’re back.”

Like he didn’t know I was.

“So I am,” I say. I can feel his barrier is up again and that makes me curious as he dropped it before. I, however, am pretty damn sure that won’t be a problem anymore. I step forward and he peers at me but stands his ground. I bring my hand

up and place it on the barrier and with a magickal pop! it vanishes.

“Hmm, I had a feeling that would be the case,” he says to me. “Word on the Spirit grapevine is you got an enhancement.”

“I did,” I say. “Now there is no reason why I shouldn’t just kick your arse back to where it belongs.”

“It belongs here,” he says stiffly, straightening his immaculate suit. “I am completely certain that you can help me now.”

“Help you do what?” I ask, expecting an answer.

“Live,” he says.

“You told me you couldn’t,” I say and frown at him.

“I couldn’t, while you were weak. I had to get Tiamat to accelerate your Powers, and I came up with the perfect plan. Like little chess pieces to be moved into place by my hand. Such fun. The ultimate game, Aefre.”

I gulp. What is he trying to say?

“Do you really think that figuring out who your father was, your secret conversations with your little Fae-pire, Drake showing up, Aelfric showing up…was all a big coincidence? The amendment to the prophecy was a stroke of luck and it got you exactly where I wanted you.”

My mouth drops open in shock. “You-you orchestrated this whole thing?” I stammer as it all falls into place.

“Indeed,” he confirms.

“You knew what would happen to me?” I ask in dread.

“I knew you would never jump into the sack with him willingly,” he says slowly. “Although, you are quite the loose woman, it does seem you have to have bonds with those you take to your bed.”

I let that insult sail over my head as I say, “You knew that he would take me by force and that my mother would never allow that to happen again.” It’s not a question, it's a horrible fact. He set me up. He set me up to get raped so I would get my true Power. But why?