“What is so fucking special about this child?” he snaps suddenly.

I had wondered that myself until I went on my exploration mission of the palace. I had found Drake in the library and he

was more than startled to see me wandering aimlessly around, but he was more than forthcoming when I asked him that exact question. Minus the expletive, of course. He didn’t expect me to know or understand why the prophecy was so important to them and I still don’t really. He explained that there has never been a recorded case of a half Dark, half Light Faerie being born. Not for a lack of trying, I was given to understand. It was told even further back that a child born of the two races would be crucial to the survival of the Faerie. That a time would come in the Kingdoms when a new breed of Faerie would be needed. No one knew why, although there has been speculation that it was going to be the only way to bring peace between the Dark and Light. I gulp suddenly when it occurs to me that they are fighting now over my attack and Aelfric’s demise. Is this the war that was predicted so long ago? Is this child needed now to bring peace? I really, really hope not.

“So they need it?” Cole asks grimly. “They need you and Sebastian to make a new leader for them?”

“Pretty much,” I say. “But Cole, it is not going to happen.” It isn’t much in the way of reassurance and he knows it, but what else can I say?

“What does your mother have to say about all of this?” he asks an insightful question and I blink at him.

“She is less than impressed with this entire situation,” I say. “She’s told me I am not to make a Faerie baby,” I add lightly in an imitation of Her voice. It catches him on the quick and he laughs.

“Good,” he says. “I hope this time you listen to Her.”

“Yes, sir,” I murmur and his eyes light up. His hand twitches in mine and I feel peace settle over me. On impulse, I bring it up to place it over my heart. There is a golden glow coming from him as he touches me and we both just stare at it. The raggedness deep inside begins to fade as the golden light swirls up from where he is touching me, twining itself around us with the twinkle of a million stars. I absorb the golden haze into me, and the peace settles over me again. I have no idea what he just did to me, or how, but I pull him to me, and I kiss him.

Moments later, I murmur to him, “Let me do this, my way.” He has no choice but to let me. He lies back and gasps as my hands move up over his legs and once again pull his boxers down, this time removing them completely and tossing them aside. He is ready for me, but I need more time. I crawl up his lap and run my hands under his t-shirt, bringing it up with me and pulling it over his head. I cast my eyes down his spectacular body and my mouth starts to water at the sight of him.

Unfortunately, that is the only part of me that goes damp. I am as dry as the Sahara where it matters and that won’t do. He sits up and kisses me gently, moving down to nuzzle my neck before he bites me. He is doing everything right, everything that would usually be sending me into a tailspin of desire, but my arousal is still out of my reach. He pulls back and I lean over and kiss him, pushing my tongue into his mouth. He returns the kiss, but keeps his hands off me. I suck on his tongue and he purrs. I think we are both waiting for my fangs to slice into his tongue, but they don’t. That is odd, so I snap them down anyway. I want to drink from him, taste him. I move my mouth down to his neck, as he sits up again to get me more comfortable. I can feel the length of his cock pressing against my clit, but still nothing. I concentrate on the task at hand and I clamp my fangs down into his skin and he groans. I grab his shoulders as I bite harder and suddenly, all I want is his blood. It is soothing my parched throat and my dry tongue. I don’t want to drink anything except him. I push him down, still suckling on his neck, slowly now. I feel his hands resting lightly on my hips and then I feel him undulating under me. I release the bite when I realize he is inside me.

He feels me pause and he opens his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says as he lifts me up, but I shake my head at him.

“Don’t be, my love. Take me.” I meet his thrusts, my hands clutching at him desperately. I can feel every inch of him filling me up and in a sudden burst, he comes quickly. He is ready again within seconds and I ride him, slowly. His hand comes up to cup my breast, placing his palm flat against me, his fingers still against my skin and the golden glow swirls up around us again, healing me and tightening our bond to each other. I kiss him deeply and mutter, “You’re the one. The only one.”

Chapter 19

Buckinghamshire, England, March 2013 - Cole

He stares up at his wife as she breaks their kiss. Her emerald eyes are looking back at him with a wondrous awe that he wants to see every time she looks at him from now to eternity. He doesn’t know what he just did to her, but he knows it came from him, and so does she. She is content now. He can see it by the set of her face. She is no longer the ragged doll that had been limply sewn back together after she came back from the Underworld. She is whole again, and he did that to her. He wants to take her again, he is ready. He wants to manhandle her into a position where he can take her again and again until he can’t come any more, and until her throat is raw with her screams of ecstasy.

But he doesn’t.

She said she needed to do this her way, so they will. He is thankful she came to him. He couldn’t bear what that asshole had done to her. It is ripping him apart because he is weak and unable to protect the woman that he loves. He hated that, that creature was the last man to have been inside her.

It has to be him.

Always him. His heart is filled with joy at her muttered words. He has waited so long to hear them uttered from her lips. It makes all the shit he has put up with over the last ten months’ worth it to hear her say them. He knows deep down that it won’t last, but right now he just wants to believe that it will. That she will only ever want him and leave all the others behind. She is still staring at him with a serene smile on her perfect face and he moves under her. He wishes then that he had stayed still when she climbs off him though. He is disappointed she didn’t finish. That has never happened before. He feels utterly inadequate, but she snuggles into him, her head on his chest, her hand splayed out over him and he knows she is happy. He loves her so much. He strokes her hair and murmurs his feelings to her and as expected she soon falls asleep in his arms.

Several hours later, she is still sleeping, and Cole is still watching her. He could watch her forever. Her words are still etched firmly in his brain. “You are the one. The only one.” He has deduced, while he has been sitting here, that it was her Dragon talking. Dragons are true to one and he is her husband, therefore he is her “one.” For as long as it lasts, he will be true to her. Even after that, he will never betray her again. He will ache with need if she goes back to seeing him every week, but he will endure it, for her. She is his sire, his wife, and his Queen. At least, for now, he has her all to himself for a whole month, and away from him for three. He has no idea what Constantine did and said to her, but it must have been huge and hurtful for him to even suggest it. Cole has seen him treat her like shit in the past and she usually forgives him straight away. This, whatever it is, has affected her whole attitude and he is grateful to the bastard for whatever it was he did to her. He can’t get over what Constantine asked of her. He is such a prick, trying to undermine their relationship in that way. It shouldn’t surprise him, but it does. Unfortunately, it is something that he can’t seem to stop thinking about, especially because of what Devon also said to him. Christ. This is getting even more complicated. He sighs.

Liv shivers in the chill morning air and her eyes blink open. She smiles that secretive smile as she sees him watching her again. “Hi,” she says.

“Hi,” he says back, and leans over to kiss her. “Water?”

She shakes her head.

“Tea? Coffee?”

She shakes her head again.

“Wine?” he asks, enjoying this game, as he knows what she wants. He can see it written all over her face.

She chuckles and shakes her head again.

“What do you want, my love?” he asks her.

“You,” she says as she drops her fangs and takes his hand. He wants her to take him at his neck, but he is happy just to feed her. She links her fingers through his and bites down on his wrist. He hisses as her bite has gotten so much sharper. Her eyes never leave his as she takes her fill and then she releases him. She offers him hers in return and wild horses couldn’t keep him from accepting. He bites down on her as she did to him and her blood pours into his mouth. She has always tasted delicious, but now she is irresistible. Addictive, even. She still tastes like cherries with a spicy aftertaste, but now he can feel the power of her blood. It is so much more than before. Cole lets her go and reaches for her. The sheet has dropped down so her tits are on display and he has to touch her. He places his hand over her heart again and she braces herself. He wants to draw his hand away at the rejection, but then she places hers over his and he knows that she is trying. His hand lights up under hers, the same golden glow as before, only not as intense, but she feels it and closes her eyes as her hair floats gently in the breeze.