“Indeed,” I say. It reminds me of the talk I must have with CK when we get home. I am not looking forward to that, but he will do as I ask because he said he would. Mind you, he has said a lot of things that he hasn’t stuck to lately.

Back at home, we are accosted as soon as we walk in the door by Sebastian. “Here,” he throws something at me, and I catch it.

“What is it?” I ask, twirling the gold circlet in my hands.

“My father’s crown. It’s yours now,” he says.

“Seb?” I ask. “What happened?”

He stalks off into the library where CK is also waiting. He has clearly already been filled in as he is standing there looking avenged, which is annoying, as I was the one who was wronged. “Aelfric is dead,” Sebastian states.

“You killed him?” I ask quietly.

“Didn’t have to. Your own father took care of it,” he says shortly.

I feel a slight pang of guilt that someone died because of me. These Faerie don’t mess about. But it is quickly squashed by my Dragon, who most definitely approves. Bloodthirsty bunch, these original creatures. “This makes you King now?” I say.

He stands up straight and replies, “Yes.”

I have no idea what to say next to him. This wasn’t part of the plan, not mine and certainly not his. He is bearing the weight of this and I can see he doesn’t want it. I hold out the crown to him and say, “This is yours then.”

“You wish this for me?” he asks formally.

“It is not my decision, Sebastian.”

“As my Queen, it is your decision,” he says. “This affects you as well,” he adds with a quick look at Cole, ignoring CK completely.

Ah, shit. He’s right. If he becomes King of the Light Fae and I am supposed to unite with him, that makes me Queen of the Light Fae. Just once, I’d like to be just “me.’”

I sigh and take the extra duty on, as is expected of me. Tiamat will no doubt throw a shit fit at me, but I can’t help how all of this has played out. He bows his head as I hold the crown out to him again and he accepts it as I put it on him. “Very well,” he says.

Cole looks on mournfully and CK looks furious, but this is just another one of those things.

“I must return,” Sebastian says. “Civil war is about to break out over your father killing mine. I will return, when I can. I have a plan that might end this, but I need to think it through first.”

I nod. “Be safe, Kalen,” I whisper, and he kisses my hand before he does the Fae King puff-of-smoke thing.

I stare at where he disappeared, thinking I should probably go and see Drake. Who knows what is going on over there? Having said that, I perhaps am the last person he will want to see, not to mention everyone else. I have never been the cause of war before and while V.A. is reveling in the destruction, the girl Aefre, is curled up in a dark corner crying. It’s very confusing.

“Constantine, I need to speak with you,” I say, turning to him.

He looks hopeful as he nods and I hate that I am going to crush him, but this has to happen. Cole gives my hand a quick squeeze and I grab CK’s shoulder and Astral us to his bedroom.

“Have you forgiven me?” he asks straight away.

I shake my head. “Not yet. Not for everything.”

“What can I do to make it up to you?” he asks.

“I need a month,” I say. “One month away from you to gain some perspective. I don’t want to see you or speak to you. I need time.”

“No, Aefre,” he says, shaking his head. “You will not leave me. We have a deal.”

“Deal or not, you said outside that you would give me time. I’m asking for it and you owe me.”

“A month?” he asks after a long silence. “How will I go a whole month without seeing you? Without touching you, or kissing you, making love to you. I can’t, Aefre, it is too long.” His miserable face breaks my heart, but I stand firm.

“Even if I came to you, we wouldn’t be doing any of that,” I say softly, looking down. “I can’t.”