He pulls my hair over my shoulder, only now noticing that I look like Liv again, and stares at my back. Confusion followed by horror and then fury. “He bound your Powers?” he yells. “I will fucking kill him for this!” he roars, spinning and sending his fist flying into the mirror to splinter everywhere. Geez, this Faerie temper is something else. Volatile is not the word.

I step back and fold my arms across my stomach, and it flips a switch in him, and he calms instantly. “Sorry,” he mumbles. He grabs my arms and says, “I will go to Drake immediately. He will see to it that he doesn’t get away this.”

“No,” I start to say, but then Drake interrupts us by making a sudden appearance. Actually, it probably wasn’t that sudden seeing as all the yelling and crashing that was going on, but whatever.

“That who doesn’t get away with what?” Drake asks suspiciously and then his violet eyes go so dark they turn almost black as he takes us in standing in the bathroom. Me naked and covered in burns and Sebastian looking like he is about to rip someone’s head off.

“Kalen,” Drake growls. “I told you, you would be a dead man if you stayed here and took advantage of her.”

“No, Father,” I say quickly. “He didn’t stay, he only just came back.” I am entirely aware at this point, as his eyes shift to mine and he looks mortified, that I am still standing here in the nude. I hastily grab for the nearest towel, which is across the room, and wrap it around myself.

“What is the meaning of all of this?” he says once I am covered up. “One of you start talking and, you,” he points to me, “are supposed to look like me.”

I tug on my blonde hair and sigh. “I can’t Shift back,” I mutter, and he frowns at me and turns to Sebastian.

Sebastian looks at me and I look down. He is going to tell, and I just hope that Drake wasn’t aware of this plan or my heart will break into a thousand pieces.

“Your daughter has been the victim of assault,” Sebastian says, hands on hips. “If you know anything about this, so help me, I will end you.”

I look up sharply at that, as does Drake. Fortunately, he hadn’t noticed what Sebastian has said as all he took in was the first part.

“Assault?” he snarls. “What do you mean? Aeval, what is he talking about?”

I stay silent, letting Sebastian talk for me. “Are you aware of the amendment?” he asks.

Drake’s eyes narrow into two slits and says, “What amendment?”

Sebastian sighs and fills him in. Drake is getting angrier by the second and when Sebastian says, “My father bound her Powers and sexually assaulted her,” I think he is going to hit the roof.

His menace is palpable and seems to take up the entire room. It is stifling in this bathroom and I am feeling suffocated. Although, at least I am fully confident that Drake did not know of this plan and that he definitely does not approve. He is grilling Sebastian about what exactly happened, even though Sebastian only knows what I have told him. I hope he doesn’t turn the interrogation onto me as I am in no mood to answer questions about this. My ears perk as I hear Sebastian say something pertinent.

“The spell is a five bind. One has already gone. She will Shift to her Dragon as soon as the last bind breaks. She will be flaming mad and by flaming, I mean that in the literal sense. She needs to get home.”

Five binds? I am guessing that is the five bands that had held Her tightly. I am feeling a bit itchy now like I need to Shift.

Drake is pacing like a caged animal. His enormous size is taking up most of the bathroom and then he stalks off back into the bedroom to resume his pacing. I breathe out slightly and Sebastian says to me, “Are you doing okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Itchy.

I need to go.” I breathe in sharply as another band snaps across my back and Sebastian marches over to Drake and says, “Please, you need to let her go now.”

“I will,” he says calmly. “I will take you myself, it is the quickest way. Are you sure she will Shift as soon as the spell breaks?”

Sebastian nods. “Pretty sure. The Dragon is going to be pissed when She gets released. The spell is designed to bind quickly but unravel slowly to reduce the damage.”

Drake nods and says, “Yes, we have something similar on this side. Get her dressed, but first I must ask, have you and she…” He looks vastly uncomfortable as he shuffles his feet and finishes, “…been together?”

Sebastian flushes a bright red and I slink back into the bathroom, not wanting to be asked that question by my father.

“Yes,” Sebastian answers quietly.

“If she Shifts it will, uh, destroy a pregnancy?” Drake croaks.

“Yes,” Sebastian croaks back and I listen on with interest from the safety of my bathroom.

“I see. I suppose under the circumstances that is for the best. Mark my words, Kalen, I will not let Aelfric get away with this. He does not come into my house and rape my daughter. I will see him dead. You know what that means for you?” Drake asks ominously.

I peek out the bathroom and see Sebastian nod grimly. Does that mean he will be King?