“No, I’ll stay.”

“It’s fine. I have to get ready to go anyway.”

He looks at me and says, “Tell him about this, so that he can fix it.”

“Fix it?” I ask with a frown.

“You once told me it’s what he does, so now he can swoop in and save you. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.

” He gives me a smile, so I know that he isn’t being a dick about it.

I snort in amusement. “You have no idea, but I don’t think it’s something he can fix. Not yet anyway. I have no idea what it is.”

“Tell him anyway so he can make sure you’re as safe as possible. Okay?”

I nod dutifully. “Yes, sir.”

He kisses me, happy I have complied without an argument, and he leaves without saying anything else, leaving me alone in our bed, worried about who is trying to manipulate my dreams and the bigger question, why? To what end?

“Ready?” CK says as he pops into existence and I blink at him. Seeing me as I am, he says, “Clearly not. Aefre. It is 6 AM. Time to go.”

“Six? No, it’s only just gone five.”

“No, my sweet, it is six.” He points to the clock and it does say 6:01 AM. Where did the last hour just go? I look down at myself still sitting naked in the bed in the exact position when Cole left me. “Are you feeling all right?” he asks me, overly concerned now that I am still not moving. He sits next to me on the bed and takes my hand.

“Yes, I’m fine. I guess I must have gone back to sleep after Cole left,” I say. “Just give me a minute.”

“Of course,” he says and waits patiently while I go shower. Well, of course he is going to wait patiently for that, I think a bit grimly, still baffled as to where that time went. Dreams are one thing. Blackouts are something else. I get out of the shower and take my time getting ready, needing some time to think. I move around the room wordlessly as he watches me with narrowed eyes.

“Aefre,” he says eventually.


“You don’t seem very happy. I thought you would be more excited to go to Ponte,” he says in a tone that suggests he is worried as to my answer.

“No, I am happy, my love. I love going there. I love it when you take me there. I still can’t believe that last year was the first time in over two hundred years since I was there.”

“I would have brought you sooner, but I didn’t think you wanted to go,” he says uncertainly. “Something is bothering you, though. Is it because of the last time we were there and what happened with…Gustav?”

“No. No, it isn’t that. Although, thanks for the reminder,” I mutter. “I am just tired, that’s all.”

“You haven’t fed, have you?”

“No,” I admit in a small voice.

He sighs. “Why am I not surprised?” He holds his hands up. “I am loathed to do it this way, but I fear offering you my blood won’t sustain you for very long. I have plans for us that include you being at your best,” he says with a small pout and my eyes widen.

“Oh, really? Well, a girl isn’t going to snub the offer of the century. I have been dying to get my hands on you. In a Dragon-feeding way.”

“Hm, yes, well. Don’t get used to it. I am only offering this to you because I want you alert and focused.”

“Gee, selfish much?” I say to him as I step closer.

“I told you a long time ago, Aefre, I am a selfish creature. Especially when it comes to you.”

I take his hands. He cringes slightly and I tilt my head at him, saying, “I can go and find Xane if this offends you.”

“That offends me more. What am I if I can’t sustain you? Even in this way.”