“Yes, thank you,” she says. “I just know how Drake feels about this. He won’t be happy if he knows.”

“Well, he can’t expect you to go hungry. Is he some kind of monster?” he asks.

“Kind of. Not so much to me, yet. I will tell all when I get home. Thank you, Linc, I am grateful.” She smiles sweetly.

“It’s no problem,” he says softly. “You may have to give him something though,” he adds. “He is a huge pain in the ass.”

“Who, Remiel? Yeah, tell me about it.” She glares at him sitting there next to her. “What do you want?” she asks him.

“You already know,” he says as he stands up, grabbing hold of Ramon. “I hope you get out of here soon; you owe me.” He disappears and Lincoln is left feeling disturbed by his parting comment.

“See you soon, my love,” he says to her and she smiles.


He cuts her off and opens his eyes to find everyone leaning in close to him as if they expect to hear what she was saying to him. He glares at them to back-off.

“Well?” Cole asks anxiously.

“She’s fed, but it’s not going to last her long. That place is draining the energy off her. I can feel it,” he says worriedly.

“What do you mean, you can feel it?” Constantine asks with derision.

“I mean I can feel it,” Lincoln growls at him.

“But is she okay?” Cole asks desperately.

“Yes, she’s fine. For now,” he replies.

“Oh, no need to thank me,” Remiel says. “You all just go about your business.”

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“You should have mentioned this sooner,” he says, standing up.

“Well, perhaps next time,” Remiel says dismissively. “You are not wrong though in your assumptions about it draining her energy.”

“What do you mean?” Sebastian rounds on him with a bit more force than he would expect from “just a friend.”

“The Dragon in her is fighting to come free. It is…how can I put this delicately…unhappy to be in the Fae Kingdoms,” he says. “She knows if she loses control of it, it will end one of two ways: her being slain or her doing the slaying.”

“And you never thought to mention this before?” Constantine roars at him and includes Sebastian in on his rage. Interesting. Does he know more than he is letting on?

“It makes sense,” Xane steps up. “We already know that Faerie hate Dragons. It is the whole reason they are separate from the Underworld, and Dragons hate Faerie just as much. If ValamAtrux is being held, effectively prisoner, She won’t be best pleased. We should have anticipated that and factored it into the decision to rescue her.”

“She doesn’t need rescuing,” Remiel says and gets everybody on edge. “She is under control and only there for another day. Let her see it through.”

“What is it to you?” Cole yells, joining in on the bellowing, giving Lincoln a headache. “You have no say in this whatsoever. In fact, we should be trying to figure out a way to kill you so you can never hurt her again.”

“I will let that slide, boy, as I can see you are upset by your wife’s absence. But threaten me again and there won’t be a single being in the Realms that will be able to protect you from my wrath,” Remiel says ominously, and everyone in the room feels his power and goes silent, stepping back from him a fraction.

“Look,” Lincoln says, standing up, ready to diffuse this situation. “Now that we know, we can keep an eye on her. Remiel, if you would be so kind as to remain on hand to take her a Feeder should the need arise, it would be most appreciated.” This is why he is the reasonable one. He has diplomacy and tact and knows an ally when he sees one. These Vampires run on pure instinct, and it doesn’t really matter to them who they offend in the process of getting the outcome they want.

Remiel smiles genially at him and ignores the rest. “You see, I knew I liked you, Wolf. You know respect. I will be happy to help, just call me.” He steps closer to him and repeats, “Just you. I will not take orders from these heathens who could use a lesson or two in manners.” And with that he disappears. Once again, the arguing starts, and his headache turns into a migraine. He grabs a bottle of water and heads back outside.

This is the problem with living in the same house with a bunch of Paranormal creatures, way too much supernatural vibe. Wolves he can take, even Shifters in general, but add Vampires, Demons, and whatever the Hell Remiel is, and his head feels like it is going to explode. He sits and opens the water, taking a big gulp with his eyes closed against the sun.

“Erica,” he says, sensing her hovering. “What can I do for you?”