I shrug. “I don’t know, Cole. This bad feeling is getting worse.”


“Dream manifestations. Weird arse shit.”

“Like what?”

“Lance,” I say, and he grimaces.

“Baby, he’s dead. You killed him; he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“I know. It isn’t like that though. They are happy dreams. For the most part.”

“Happy? What do you mean?”

I explain it to him, minus the baby part again, and he is less than impressed. “Liv, that is just weird. Why would you be dreaming that?”

“I don’t know,” I say and splash my hands into the water in frustration. “I don’t want to think about it. Not when I have you here and I am going away for a couple of days.”

He stands and takes me in his arms, carrying me to the bed where he takes me with great abandon, wet as we are, again and again until I am spent and fall asleep.

“We’ll try this again,” Lance says to me with that smile.

“Try what again?” I ask him, confused.

“Getting you to our bedroom so I can have my way with you. Once the baby comes, we won’t have much time to be alone.”

“The baby,” I say in wonder as I look down and stroke my stomach.

“Our baby,” he says as he pushes a door open to a room that is clearly our bedroom.

“Oh, Lance,” I say to him with a smile as I notice the bassinet in the corner. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He kisses me, running his hands gently over my bump, and I kiss him back, wanting him.

“See, I told you I didn’t have to try very hard,” he says with a chuckle.

“And I told you, you never do. I love you.”

“I love you, Aefre. We belong together,” he whispers.

“No!” I wake myself by shouting out.

“Liv? Baby. Was it one of those dreams?” Cole asks from across the room.

Panting, I put my hand over my heart. “Yes.”

He crosses to me instantly and hugs me tightly. “Tell me.”

I shake my head. “I want to forget it.”

“Liv, this is getting serious. Why do you keep dreaming about him in this way?”

“Someone wants me to,” I say, knowing that Cade is right about that. “I have to figure out who and kick their arse.”

“I will join you,” Cole says forcefully, and I smile at him.

“You should go, you’ll be late,” I say, glancing at the clock.