“Then why did I turn you?”

“We are in love,” he says.

“But not married?”

“Livvie, did you bump your head or something? You and Devon are married. You have been since 1506,” Cole says.

Livvie? Cole has never called me that. What is going on here?

“But I am in love with you?” I ask. I am getting a serious headache now.

“I hope so,” he says. “Have you changed your mind?” he asks, suddenly worried.

“No.” I look at Devon. “Are we in love?” I have to ask because this set-up seems even weirder than the one I came from.

“I should fucking well hope so,” he says. “I want you to tell me right now what is going on, why you are talking and acting so weird.”

I look again at CK and sigh. “Where do we start?”

“How about with you traveling us back in time to the day we met?” he snaps at me, still irate he didn’t get his own way…again.

“Excuse me?” Sebastian says. “You time travelled?”

“It appears so,” CK says. Everyone starts shouting questions at me and CK. We both glare at them all to shut up.

“I want to ask ‘why,’ but the bigger question seems ‘how?’” Xane asks me.

“How long have we known each other?” I ask him instead.

“Five hundred and six years,” he says. “We met after you formed an alliance with my father.”

Holy crap. I turn to Jess, who isn’t looking very pleased about all of this. “Constantine,” she barks at him, “What is the meaning of all of this? Explain yourself.”

We both stare at her audacity in speaking to him in such a fashion. “Watch your tone, young lady,” he says to her with a menacing step forward. “I don’t take orders from you.”

She lowers her eyes seductively and sidles closer to him, placing her hands on his chest. He pushes her away as I continue to stare at her with my mouth open. “I’m sorry, my love,” she says, taking his hands. “You just disappeared with her. I was frightened I would never see you again.”

My love? She called him ‘my love’?

He can’t quite believe his ears either and shakes her hands off him, much to her disappointment. “Why are you pushing me away?” she asks.

“Why are you acting this way?” he asks, glaring at her.

“Acting what way? I was worried about you. I love you.”

“What?” I snap at her, now spinning her around. “What did you just say?”

“Oh, Liv. Don’t be jealous now,” she says to me, patting my hand on her arm. “He is my sire too, you know.”

“Oh, fuck no!” I yell at her as CK looks like he wants to fling himself off the Empire State Building. “Devon is your sire. Get your slutty hands off mine,” I say.

“Devon?” she says to me with a tilt to her head. “No, Constantine is my sire. Your husband left me to die,” she says with a glare at my, I gulp, husband.

“No, no, no, no, no! This is all wrong, this is all fucked up. CK?” I ask him desperately.

“Oh, you don’t need me to agree with you on that,” he says stiffly. “We need to go back and fix this.”

“NOW!” he yells at me, as I don’t make a move to go anywhere.