“On the outside, yes. But you do know there is a seething resentment on both sides underneath, right?” He is a petty, petty man, but he just couldn’t resist.

“What?” she asks, perplexed.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” he mumbles, now feeling bad.

“Oh no, you don’t get to back out of a comment like that,” she says, getting her mad on.

“Livvie, you must know that they don’t like each other,” he says, putting it mildly. If either one of them thought they could get away with it, it would be a fight to the death.

“Well, I know there is some jealousy but…really? They hate each other?” She sounds upset and he could curse himself. He tries to backtrack a little bit.

“No, I wouldn’t say that. Just as you say, jealousy,” he says quickly.

She sighs and he knows she doesn’t believe him but drops it. He thought a bit of shit-stirring might make him feel better, but it doesn’t.

“I will have more to tell you about the Wolf-Demon thingy when you get back. Can I use Cade for a bit of legwork?” he asks now as a complete distraction.

“Cade? Sure, if he doesn’t mind. He is quite hell bent on doing things his way.”

“I will ask him nicely then,” he says with a smile.

“Well seeing as that smile has been known to make me weak at the knees, I don’t think you will have a problem persuading him,” she says sweetly, and his heart skips a beat.

“I love you,” he says softly.

“I love you too,” she replies.

“I’ll let you get some more sleep. You will need all your energy.” He is reluctant to end their conversation, but she looks beat.

“Okay, baby. I am going to dream about where you can take me on our date, and what we might get up to during and after.”

“During?” he asks with a laugh.

“Oh, yes, I want lots of kisses and hand holding and other things.”

“Other things?” he murmurs huskily, and she shivers.

“Mmm,” she says slowly and then he shivers.

“I had better let you go before I start to make a spectacle of myself on your lawn,” he says, as he feels himself go hard.

She giggles and says, “Such a fun spoiler. You will have to make it up to me.”

“Oh, have no doubt that when I get you alone, I will do,” he warns her.

“Bye, baby,” she whispers.

“Bye, my love.” He cuts her off. If he doesn’t, he is going to engage in some of that very arousing sex telepathy and now is not the place. But he is resolute in one thing. He stands up and heads back into the house, calling for everyone to join him.

Five minutes later he has everyone’s attention, although he can’t say that any of them are pleased to be summoned by him, but tough shit.

“I have just spoken to Liv…” he starts and then gets the tirade he was half expecting, the outrage and accusations, but he just stands there and lets them finish. “Yes, I have a telepathic connection with her, and I have just spoken to her. She is hungry. There are no humans where she is and she says that even though she has a Faerie who is sneaking in to feed her, she says it isn’t enough. We have to get that Remiel guy here now to take her Ramon.” Lincoln says it determinedly and is surprised that no one argues with him. Mind you the subject at hand is not really up for debate. They all want what is best for her.

“Trust her to go off half-cocked as usual,” Constantine mumbles under his breath. “She never thinks before she acts.”

“If I recall, this is all your fault that she is there,” Cole snaps at him. “You can’t blame her for being stuck there with no food.”

Yep, no love lost between them.