At least he didn’t take her virginity. Cole can be grateful for small mercies, as that would be too much to bear. No, that belongs to that monster that has his own special hate list. At least he is dead, and Cole doesn’t have to look at his smug face every day. He heads back into the bedroom, very aware that he hasn’t had any sleep apart from the hour several hours ago.

He is beat, but if he doesn’t go down and fill everyone in on Liv’s plans, then it will just create problems for him later. He is ravenous and after the Hunt, they told him not to drink straight from humans for a few days. Something about losing control. He grabs two bottles out of the mini fridge and downs them in a couple of gulps each and reaches for a third. And then a fourth. He gets dressed and strips the sheets off the bed and shoves them in the hamper with the balled-up clothes. He thinks there is a housekeeper. Things seem to get done around here and he knows that Liv doesn’t do any chores. He smiles as he thinks of his wife’s perfectly manicured nails and the look on her face should she have to go anywhere near a dish cloth. He wonders if she even knows how to use a washing machine? He shouldn’t be too hard on her. She must have had a tough life back in the eleventh century. Fuck. He really should Google it and see what it was like for her.

But there’s an idea.

As much as he prefers his wife to be naked, the thought of her in a sexy maid’s outfit is a huge turn-on. He wonders if she would wear it for him? He grabs a fifth bottle and heads towards the library, eager to get this over with so he can go back to bed. He rips the cap off the bottle and chugs it as he takes the stairs quickly. Everyone is gathered as expected, waiting for him. He likes that they are waiting for him. Liv came to him, her husband, and they have to wait for him to tell them what she is doing. He glances quickly at Devon, who gives him a slow, knowing smile. Then to Jess, gazing up at her sire, probably with no idea what his plans are regarding his own sire.

He casts his gaze over Lincoln, who is sitting with his usual stoic silence, definitely a man of few words. Cole really doesn’t mind him at all, massive cock aside. The Wolf has respect for his marriage. He doesn’t flaunt his Alpha-ness in Cole’s face and is discreet in his feelings for Liv and their physical relationship. Cole knows that he loves her, he saw it with their impromptu three-way the other night. And then in the morning when he woke up and Lincoln was watching her sleep with a look of adulation that made him kind of jealous. Not of Lincoln looking at Liv, but in that he wishes Liv would look at him that way.

And then to Xane, who is leaning against the fireplace with his arms and ankles crossed. An arrogant confidence that comes from his station, no doubt. Cole worries about the Demon’s intentions towards his wife. He can’t pinpoint what it is exactly about him that he doesn’t trust. Maybe it is the way he looks at Liv? Probably that kiss he gave her. Or maybe it’s just because he is a Demon. And ruler of the Demons, no less. Devon didn’t seem too perturbed by him. In fact, didn’t even mention him, so he supposes he should let go of any paranoia that is there.

He finally brings his eyes to him, sitting behind Liv’s desk like he owns the place. Constantine doesn’t take his eyes off him as Sebastian hands him a cup of tea. Their fingers brush slightly, and Sebastian is glowing as he places his hand briefly on Constantine’s shoulder before moving it to the back of the chair. Cole narrows his eyes at him and Constantine smiles at him. That smug, arrogant smile that lets everyone know he thinks he is better than them. Asshole.

Cole smiles back slyly with a slight tilt to his head, letting him know that as soon as he can he is going to tell Liv exactly what he and Sebastian have been up to while she has been away. Constantine’s gaze hardens and he smacks down the cup and saucer harder than bone china should be treated. Bone china. Ugh, he has been spending way too much time with these older Vamps.

A year ago, he wouldn’t have known bone china from a hole in the ground, much less cared about how it was treated. He must make a better effort to find some Vampires his own age to mix with. With that thought in his head, he opens his mouth and tells them all that Liv told him about her plans for the next couple of days.

Chapter 6

Kingdom of the Dark Fae, March 2013 – Liv

“It’s time to go,” Drake says as he barges in. I have just finished speaking to Cole and I am not happy about being interrupted so rudely.

“Privacy not a big thing in Faerie land?” I ask.

He stares down at me from his great height. “This is not ‘Faerie land’ and no, you don’t get privacy. I don’t trust you.”

“Do you trust anyone?” I ask as he ushers me out with a rough shove to my back.

“Not any of your business,”

he replies.

“That probably means ‘no’ then,” I say without expecting a response. “So, what exactly does this naming ceremony entail?” I ask a question that he has to respond to.

“I will present you as my daughter and you will be gracious and, above all, quiet, and then I will announce your name,” he explains.

“Does anyone actually know who I am? I mean, really am?” I ask.

“Unfortunately, yes,” he says, as he strides down the long corridor, forcing me to jog to keep up with him. “Your Vampire nature is unfortunately one we cannot get away from.”

“No, I mean do they know I am Queen of the Underworld?” I prod.

He stops in the middle of the corridor and stares down at me. “I suggest you steer clear of that title while you are here. Your type, all of your types, are not welcome here. The last thing I need is for my people to get a reminder of exactly who you are.” He stalks off, leaving me to follow.

Wonderful. I can see this ceremony going swimmingly.

“Will I get to meet my brothers?” I ask.

He stops dead again. “Brothers?” he sneers in disgust. “My sons are not your brothers.”

“I beg to differ,” I say.

“Humph,” he says rudely. “I can assure you that you will be presented before my sons, but don’t expect a very warm welcome. They are not going to be very fond of you.”

Well, can’t say that I blame them. They are all but redundant from what I can see. I trail in his wake now and he takes pity on me and slows down. “They will not see you as a sister,” he says quietly. “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“Oh,” I say, a bit disappointed anyway, despite myself.