He nods. “I will see you in the morning, then. Just yell if you need me.”

“You’ll hear?” I ask smartly and he laughs.

“I won’t be far away, Queen Liv.” He waves and leaves us alone.

Cole is looking at me with raised eyebrows. “You two seem to be getting on well? Is it something to do with that blood oath?”

“Yes, it is but there’s more to it now,” I state. “Forget him, come here and kiss me. I have missed you.”

“Mm, I have missed you too. I want a long bath. Can I interest you?”

“Oh, of course,” I say to his delight and off we go.

Chapter 7

“Lizzie?” Devon asks from the doorway.

“What?” I open my eyes from my bliss of bubbly water, champagne, and my wet, naked husband.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he says, not actually sounding sorry at all. “We are going out. Wanted to let you know and ask if you wanted to come with?”

“We?” I ask with a raised eyebrow as Cole looks at me from across the massive tub and shakes his head. “Sorry, no. But you have fun. Not too much fun,” I state with a glare at Jess, who is hanging onto Devon like a barnacle. “Where are you going?”

“There is a place, where we can go and be…who we are,” he says.

“Oh. Well, be careful and take Grayson with you.”

“No need. Sebastian is joining us.”

“Oh?” I sit up now, somewhat intrigued. Devon’s eyes drop to my naked breasts and Jess just looks away. “Sebastian?”

Devon nods. “Yes.”

I blink at him and he returns my look with his CK impassive impersonation. Something doesn’t sit right with me about this at all. I remember seeing them talking in Vegas, when they really should have nothing to say to one another. “Is he here?” I inquire suspiciously.

“No. Why?”

“Just make sure you are safe. All of you.” I glare at Jess, “And remember, no feeding…”

“From humans,” Devon says. “Lizzie, I got this, okay?”

“Fine. Please let me know when you return.”

“I will. Christ. You are being very mother hen today. What is with that?”

“Just stuff,” I say mysteriously, and he cocks his eyebrows at me. “Tell you later,” I mutter.

“Fine. You two enjoy your soak.”

“We will,” Cole says.

They leave and I decide I need to find out what’s going on. But now isn’t the time. I move forward so I am now face to face with Cole. “How was your day then?” I ask and he starts.

“I don’t think you have ever asked me that before.”

“No? Am I really just a selfish bitch?” I ask somewhat seriously.

“Err, what brought that on?”