He taps in the hotel’s coordinates into the GPS system and it directs him on his way. He relaxes as he drives. He loves to drive. Living with Liv, he rarely gets to drive anymore. They either get driven or Astral. He should insist that they drive more often. He is sure she will turn her nose up at that. Well, maybe not if they had the Veyron here.

Stop thinking about Liv, he yells at himself. If he keeps thinking about her, he will probably turn the car around. Focus on Tanya. He pictures her.

She is a Vampire. Around three hundred years old, he thinks. Russian by nature and fairly sexy, as sexy goes. Light blonde hair, deep brown eyes, a rack that makes a person wonder if they are real or not (they are), legs that stretch for miles, and a tongue that can do things that drive a man to distraction. He met her on the set. She is a Production Assistant or something. She sensed him straight away and has been hounding him ever since. She is a Greater Immortal like him, which means her sire is a Master Vampire. He doesn’t know who he or she is. It’s not a question that gets asked for some reason, which is another thing he would like to know but feels stupid for asking. But, since she is Russian, it makes him think that her sire’s sire was Gregor. Disgusting fucker. He thinks he probably hated him more than he hates Constantine. The day he died the world probably sighed in relief.

But he doesn’t really give a damn. Even if her bloodline is Constantine’s, he is still going to fuck her.

Bang her and then leave.

No one has to know.

It will be a one-time thing. No big deal.

Being a Vampire races his thoughts. One second, he is thinking about one thing and the next it is something completely different. He thinks it gets worse the older they get as he knows he struggles sometimes to keep up with Liv, and that bastard is even worse. It’s enough to give him a permanent migraine. A permanent hard-on and a permanent migraine. Not the best combination.

The car eats up the miles and before he knows it, he is in the city. He feels a pang of nerves as he pulls up outside the hotel. The valets rush forward, eager to get their hands on the car, but he hardly notices them as he hands them the keys and enters the deserted lobby. He already knows her room number, so he goes straight to the elevators and stabs the button impatiently. He wants this over. He wants his release and then he wants to go home.

She opens the door as he knocks, completely naked, and pulls him inside. “I’m so glad you called,” she says as she slides her hands up him and pushes his jacket off. “I was most disappointed that you left so abruptly on Tuesday.”

He doesn’t say anything. He’s not here to chat. He pushes her against the back of the sofa and kisses her. Her tongue swirls against his in a dizzying rhythm, round and round. Nothing like the way Liv kisses, which makes his knees weak. His hands roam over her body, squeezing her huge tits and pulling on her nipples until they are like torpedoes. They are too big, he thinks absently, he doesn’t like more than his hand can cover. Liv’s tits are perfect. The perfect size to hold and suck on.

Stop it! he yells at himself again. Stop thinking about her.

He slides his fingers into Tanya and groans. She is so wet. This is what he came here for. An eager, wet pussy for him to ram his cock into. She wraps her leg around his waist as she pulls him even closer to her. He removes his hand from her and undoes his pants. He’s not taking her to bed, he’s not getting undressed, all he wants is to fuck her and leave. He shoves his cock into her before he can change his mind and grabs her hips. She is wet and slippery, but he doesn’t fit well inside her. Not like he does with Liv. It’s like his cock was designed to fit inside his wife.

He kisses her as he bangs her, but only to shut her up. She is making these ridiculous noises like some sort of bad porn actor. Liv doesn’t make those noises during sex, when she comes, she then lets him know he has pleased her. She doesn’t need to pretend or feel the need to encourage him and she has never once faked it. Women think men don’t know, but they do. But he honestly doesn’t care if Tanya comes now or not. He is ready and if she hasn’t warmed up yet, that’s not his problem. He feels his balls tighten and he groans into her mouth as he shoots his load into her and as expected, she fakes her orgasm at the same time. The ache eases as his dick goes soft. The tension leaves him as he slips out of her and does up his pants.

“Thanks. I’ll see ya,” he says to her as he bends to pick up his discarded jacket. The shock on her face is almost comical. He would laugh if he didn’t feel so dirty. He has to get out of here right now. He leaves as she yells at him in Russian. He doesn’t understand her, but he is willing to bet it’s not very polite.

He crashes back into reality in the elevator and he repulses himself. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he realizes what he has done. He can smell her on him. He has to get rid of the scent of her. As the doors ding open, he finds the bathrooms and runs the taps, washing his hands thoroughly. Shit. What if Liv is home already when he gets back? She will smell this straight away. Her senses are more honed than his. She can probably smell it all the way from where she is now. He pulls his dick out and washes that too, hoping that no one comes in, but it’s late, or early, depending on whether you’ve been to bed yet or not, and no one interrupts him. He dries off and thinks about changing his pants before he goes home but realizes that there will be no shops open.

Oh, what has he done? He has betrayed his beautiful wife. He disgusts himself even more because that prick is being faithful to her. And this is just one more thing that makes Cole feel less.

He must tell her. He must come clean. He knows she will understand if he can just explain it to her. She won’t mind the fucking bit, it’s the part where he did it behind her back that he knows she will have a problem with.

He grabs the keys from the reluctant valet and sets the GPS to take him home. He breaks every speed limit by miles on the way back. He has no doubt he racked up a wedge of speeding fines. He can’t believe that he drove nearly an hour each way for three minutes with a woman he doesn’t even like. The house is dark and quiet, and Cole hopes that he can make it back in without seeing anybody.

But of course, he doesn’t.

Who should he run into, but the man himself.

The only one he would rather not have to explain himself to.

Constantine is walking through the foyer back towards the stairs with a Scotch in his hand. Cole knows from Liv that this will be about the time that he goes to sleep so he isn’t surprised to see him dressed for bed. Can’t say that he has ever seen Constantine quite so casually dressed. He looks different, relaxed. That changes, though, when he sees Cole sneaking in.

Constantine raises his eyebrow at him. “Where are you sneaking in from?” he asks, with a slight smirk.

“None of your fucking business,” Cole growls at him as he walks up the stairs.

Constantine is at his side in an instant. “I don’t tolerate insolence, boy,” he says, and Cole turns to glare at him. “There’s no sire here to protect you this time,” he adds.

“You can threaten me all you like but lay a finger on me and Liv will never speak to you again.” Cole is stupidly bold in his conviction.

Constantine tilts his head at him in that way where, if the roles were reversed and Cole was two thousand and whatever years old, he would reach out and rip it off. That is such a Vampire thing. He never would

have even thought about doing something like that before he was turned. Constantine breathes in deeply and an evil smile crosses his face. “I see,” he says, narrowing his eyes. “You are sneaking in from a secret rendezvous.”

Cole should have been expecting that. Her sire’s senses are even more honed than hers. “It’s nothing to do with you.”