“That is such an ugly word,” Remiel spits out. “I checked on her to see if she was okay. She is fine, by the way.”

“How do we know that you aren’t lying to us?” Constantine asks.

“She said you would ask that and to tell you, specifically, that when she gets out of this joint, you and your golden boy are headed for the smackdown of the century after what you pulled, and that you will then owe her an apology with many gifts and anguish. I trust you know what on Earth she is talking about?” Remiel asks, perplexed.

Constantine smiles, a big wide smile that turns into a laugh, a genuine laugh, an affirmation that what he said sounds exactly like his sweet Aefre. “Yes, I know exactly what she is

talking about. So, you have been to her. Is she still locked up?”

“Yes. But she is fine. I told them of your plan, and she doesn’t want you to execute it. She said to sit tight, and she will get herself out of there.”

“Screw that,” Devon says. “We do this before that Drake guy finds her instead of you.” He points at Constantine, his gaze furious.

“I think we need to leave her,” Sebastian says quietly. “She has to see this through with him.”

“What the fuck do you know?” Cole says, rounding on Sebastian. “This has absolutely nothing to do with you. I am her husband and she is my sire and I say we do this. Mine is the only vote that counts.”

“Ahem,” Devon clears her throat. “She is my sire as well, you know. I say my vote also counts.”

“Are you for or against going to get her?” Cole snaps at him.

“For,” Devon replies.

“Fine, then your vote counts.”

Well, as much as Constantine loathes him, he must admit that Cole has a backbone. Aefre’s strength must be rubbing off on him. He winces as he thinks of all of the other things of Aefre’s that rubs on him.

“I am her sire. My vote counts,” Constantine says with authority. In fact, he happens to believe his is the only vote that counts.

“For or against?” Cole barks at him.

“Against. If it is her wish that we leave her to make her own way back, then that is what we will do.”

“Then your vote doesn’t count. And even if it did it would be two against one,” Cole declares.

“The Wolf should also get a vote,” Remiel says, playing devil’s advocate with an innocent look, that if Constantine could get to, he would beat off his face. “He is, after all, her Alpha.”

“Lincoln isn’t here,” Devon says. “He is off with Erica doing research on that…thing.” He waves his hand about.

“Lincoln is here,” he says from the doorway. “What is going on?”

Constantine turns to him with absolute loathing. The boys, he can just about put up with, even though it pains him, but the Wolf…he clenches his fists in an effort not to rip him to shreds. It is because of him that he lost six months with her. He growls low in his throat as he remembers seeing them together in Las Vegas. Her words to him, her hands all over him, her desire as his cock pleased her in ways that made her so wet, he could see it glistening on him. Sebastian is at his side as the waves of hate roll off him, but he turns away, still not ready to forgive. His pain shoots through Constantine and he starts to turn back but stops himself. Sebastian needs to be punished. He has already punished Aefre, far beyond anything she deserved, and he will have to live with that for the rest of eternity.

“Someone fill him in,” he says gruffly, the tension in his throat so tight it hurts. “But he doesn’t get a vote.”

With Lincoln filled in, he doesn’t look all that surprised, and that angers him further. He was clearly in the know about something. “So do I get a vote or not?” Lincoln asks.

“Not,” Constantine says.

“Vote,” Cole and Devon say at the same time.

“Against,” Lincoln says. “She knows what she is doing. I trust her and she is more than capable of looking after herself,” he adds.

Constantine must grudgingly accept his support.

“Two against two,” Devon says. “What now?”

“It is three against two: against,” Constantine says. “Aefre’s vote counts and she said not to go for her.”