Read on with Secrets: The Forever Series, Book 8, where you will finally get into everyone’s lives!


The Forever Series, Book 8

By Eve Newton

Copyright © Eve Newton, 2014

Copyright © Eve Newton, 2017

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Author’s Note

The first seven books of the Forever Series are seen through the perspective of Liv. However, as the title of this book Secrets suggests, a whole bunch of them are about to come out! This means getting into the heads of all the main characters.

Please note that the character changes are done by chapter, so be sure to note at the beginning of the chapter whose perspective you are reading.

“A wise man is he who keeps his own secrets.” – William Scott Downey


Los Angeles, USA, August 2012 – Jess

Jess had long since stopped listening to her friend speak. All she was capable of doing was staring at the gorgeous man, sitting in the sun, reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee.

“Earth to Jess,” Feenyx said to her, snapping her fingers in Jess’s face.

Jess pushed her hand away with a frown. Feenyx dropped her hand and followed where she was looking. “Wow,” she said. “With a capital ‘W’. He is hot.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Jess mumbled. She scanned her eyes over him. He was tall, she could tell that even though he was sitting down. His dark brown hair flopped over his forehead in a really cute way. His face was worthy of gracing every magazine cover and his hot bod was rocking his expensive suit in a way that practically made Jess drool. She turned to her friend. “How do I look?” She smoothed down her tight-fitting top over her double-D breasts and inched her tiny skirt up her longs legs to make it even shorter.

“Gorgeous, as usual,” Feenyx said. “But you can’t go over there. He is way too old for you.”

“Oh, please,” Jess scoffed. “He is like twenty-six, tops.”

“And you are seventeen,” Feenyx reminded her.

“An experienced seventeen,” Jess said and preened her long dark hair, proud of her lack of innocence. For a fleeting moment, she panicked when she remembered what her mother’s boyfriend did to her, but it didn’t last long. She didn’t let it. She shoved it back in the black hole it belonged in and focused on the gorgeous man. He was rich, she could tell that. Perhaps if she played this right, he could take her away from her life

“Well, then he is pervert if he takes an interest,” Feenyx insisted, but Jess ignored her.

She squared her shoulders and sauntered over to the table where the man was sitting. She stopped and he looked up at her. His eyebrow rose over his dark sunglasses and he pulled them down his nose to get a better look at her. His eyes nearly took her breath away, the clearest blue she had ever seen. “Hi,” she said softly. “I’m Jess.”

“Devon,” he said as he placed his newspaper on the table and pushed his sunglasses back up his nose. “What can I do for you, Jess?”

“I was about to ask you the same question,” she said as she licked her lips and cocked her hip slightly.

He laughed gently at her and she narrowed her eyes at him. How dare he laugh at her? Guys begged to be with her. Okay, so this guy was definitely something so far beyond her normal scope, but still. It made her want him even more now.

“Brazen, aren’t you?” he said as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “How do you know I won’t take you back to my lair and kill you?” He flashed her a toe-curling smile and she faltered a tiny bit, but her confidence returned when he gave her a top-to-toe appraisal and obviously liked what he saw. She sat down and crossed her legs, flashing a large amount of thigh at him, which he definitely appreciated. “You don’t look the type to have a lair and you definitely don’t look like a killer,” she said, and he laughed again.

“Looks can be deceiving,” he said, and his tone sent a chill down her spine, but at the same time excited her. She did love a bad boy.