“I am saying that I want you. I want to be with you.” I pull him towards me, and he hesitates for all of a second before he kisses me, and I feel the connection lock into place. It is weak, not yet fully formed. That makes sense as she doesn’t have her Fae markings yet, which means she probably hasn’t been acknowledged by Drake yet. But the bond is there all the same, blood to blood. That must be how it works. The bond we have in my world is a force to be reckoned with and I crave it, but this will do. It will have to do…for now.

“Oh fuck, Liv,” he whispers to me. “Are you really here? Are you really here for me or because he asked you to be?”

I have no idea what he is talking about, but I do know I, at least, am here for him, so I tell him so.

He pulls me towards the bedroom. “I want to do this properly,” he says as he slowly removes my clothes from my body, leaving me naked and wanting as his hands blaze across my skin. Oh, yes. This is the life I want.

He undresses quickly, leaving his shirt on but open. He sees me staring at him and he pushes me back towards the bed. I reach up and push the shirt off his shoulders, and he makes a noise of protest, but I kiss him quiet. He scoots us up to the top of the bed and he lowers his mouth across my breasts, taking turns at tugging on my nipples with his teeth until they are aching. He moves quickly over my stomach and then thrusts his tongue into me. I squirm at the pleasure and come quickly, pulling his head back up to my mouth for a deep kiss.

“You taste so good,” he mutters. “I have dreamed of this moment. I am so sorry for what I did to you in Vegas. I just wanted you because he had you, but it was wrong. So wrong. This is the way it should be. I love you.”

“I love you,” I say it back automatically and then wonder if perhaps I shouldn’t have, as his eyes light up and he kisses me again. Wrapping his arms around me, he enters me so slowly, as if savoring every second. I wrap my legs around him to draw him closer to me and then roll us over. I want to feed, so I pull him up and drop my fangs.

“No,” he says. “Me first.” And drops his fangs before sinking them slowly into my neck. Oh, yes, I will never get tired of how he makes me feel. I come again and he groans as he tastes the rush. He pulls back and says, “Now you.”

I oblige, tasting his blood, like honey and strawberries and cream and he pulls on my hips as he spills himself into me. I release him and, retracting my fangs, I kiss him as he runs his hands down my back leaving little electric currents in his wake. He turns us over, so he is on top of me and pulls the covers over us as I run my hands down his back. He stiffens as I do that, but I smile at him and say, “We are connected, you and me. I know you know that; you just don’t know how yet.”

He peers at me curiously but doesn’t ask questions as I run my tongue over his lips in the way that I know my Sebastian loves. He seems to like it too, as he mutters, “Uh,” before he pushes his tongue through my lips. He trails his hand down my side and squeezes my backside, lifting me up to meet him again as he sinks into me. Now that we have the feeding out of the way, he takes his time with me, moving in and out of me slowly as his tongue works over mine in the same rhythm as his hips. His fingers of one hand play lightly over my nipple, while his other is grasping my hand tightly next to my head.

“I love you, Liv,” he murmurs to me again. “I love you so much. I knew you would come to me. I knew you felt what I do.”

Again, I have a feeling of guilt. If I end up going home, Liv is going to be left to pick up the pieces here and while that isn’t fair, it isn’t fair to ask me to stay away from him while I am here either. If they knew, they would understand.

“Oh, my sweet Sebastian,” I say to him, feeling the pleasure rush start and his eyes widen at my endearment. “Call me Aefre,” I cry out as the orgasm takes me over in a wave and then another wave as he whispers my name. My name.

“Aefre,” he says it over and over, before he grunts softly as he comes too.

I feel a faint, but all-too-familiar tingle go up my neck before I hear Constantine say, “’Bastian, we need to talk…” followed by, “Aefre?” He clears his throat as Sebastian closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. He turns to his sire and tries to shield me from his view, but it is of no use. We can feel each other, and he knows I am here.

“Aefre?” Constantine asks again slowly. Sebastian rolls off me and I pull the covers up to my chin. This is one of those awkward moments in life where you wish the ground would swallow you whole. I know that my Constantine has no problem with my relationship with my Sebastian, but clearly there is an issue here by the thunderous look on his face and Sebastian’s guilt that is rolling off him. He just stares at Constantine, who is just staring at me.

“I see,” he says. “Am I to assume this is a willing encounter?” He glares at Sebastian now who nods and then at me. I nod too, because that seems the right thing to do. I can’t imagine why he would think me being here would be unwilling. It’s hardly like he caught Sebastian holding me down. But then I think of his gift. Is it possible that he has spelled her into having sex with him before? He said before he was sorry for what he did. I stare at him now wondering what on Earth possessed him to do that, and even more curiously, is that it seemed to work on her?

“Well, Aefre, it appears you have changed your mind about what we spoke of. A word of warning wouldn’t have gone amiss though. Please, would you be so kind as to leave us so I may have a word with Sebastian?” He has gone quite formal, more so than usual and in my world, that means he is hurt.

Oh, crap, I think. Yes, sometimes there just isn’t any other word to use, but a swear word.

“Of course,” I say and Astral myself straight back to my bedroom, not even bothering with my clothes, just wanting to get away from that potentially explosive situation. Where I come from, they both have a temper to fear, and if her sire is anything like my own, he will be up here to yell at me shortly, so I hop back in the shower to remove any evidence. It will only make him even more furious than he already is.

Which, to my utter surprise, isn’t very furious at all, when he Teleports up a few minutes later, as predicted.

“Liv,” he greets me calmly as he sees me sitting quietly on the sofa. I must remember to call him what she does.

“CK,” I say.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Liv,” he says again.

Again, I say, “CK. I can…”

He holds his hand up to stop me from finishing. He crosses over to sit with me on the sofa and takes my right hand. He fingers the blue diamond pensively and then asks, “Do you remember when I gave you this?”

Um, I remember when my Constantine gave me mine, maybe it’s the same, “Yes,” I say. “Ponte in our bedroom.”

“Hm. Do you remember how I asked you to marry me and that this was to be our engagement ring?” He looks at me expectantly, so I say, “Yes.” And he frowns. Oh, dear, that’s not a good sign.

“And do you remember where I got this?” He holds his left hand up.

Oh, crap, where is he going with this? I take a