He chuckles. “Insatiable little thing, aren’t you? I wish I didn’t have to say no, but I have to get going.”

I frown at him. “You are saying ‘no’ to me?” I am not used to being denied.

He frowns back at me and my tone. “Liv, sweetie. I have to go to work. You know that.”

Work? He works? She lets him swan off at this ungodly hour to work? I will never understand this woman.

“Fine. Go and work,” I say in a mood now and he crosses over to me in an instant.

“Don’t be like that with me,” he says, and he kisses me. “I will make it up to you when I get home, I promise.”

I cheer up at that thought. Oh, I can get him to make it up to me in ways his young Vampire self has never even thought about. “You had better,” I say. “Or I will be most unhappy.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want that.” He kisses me again with the most delicious half smile that makes my heart skip a beat. “Go back to sleep, now. It is still early for you.”

I nod as he tucks me back under the sheet, and I feign sleep as he bustles about getting dressed.

He is her charge and I want what he can give me. I find it incredible. But then, he isn’t her only charge, I think with a wicked smile. Maybe it is time to embrace the life of this woman and go to see Devon. He is gorgeous and older than Cole. I’d say around five hundred years or so. I am sure he can also give me what I am looking for. He says he is in love with her and she says she loves him in their messages together. I can find out just how much once I touch him and when he touches me. I shiver at the thought as Cole kisses my forehead before he leaves. I sigh. I could get used to this life. It doesn’t seem she has any regiment whatsoever. She is free to do as she pleases, with whomever she pleases. She has no regular feedings, which, while that is irresponsible, it is quite liberating. I haven’t fed this body since I got here. I suppose I should, really. There is no one insisting she do things the right way, and no servants milling about. To my great sadness, it also appears she has no daughter. I do miss my Cassis. I hate the argument we had about that awful man she insists on being with. Everyone thinks he is so wonderful, but I don’t see it. He is too perfect. She is the only thing I will mourn if I don’t get back to my life. Everyone else is here with the added benefit of not one, but two charges. And speaking of, time to go and find charge number two.

Having the presence of mind, I go to shower first. I can only imagine the reaction when they sense each other on her skin, and it is probably not the best way to encourage sex. I find a suitable outfit to pull on. I have seen her style from the photos on her phone and I can only assume I am magicking up these outfits from her own wardrobe, wherever that is. It certainly isn’t here. Which reminds me, I still don’t know where I am. I saunter over to the side table with the phone and all the hotel bits on it and see that I am in Miami, Florida. Interesting. A city I have never been to or thought of going to. With a swish of my twirly, short black skirt, I turn on my heel and Astral to wherever Devon is. I land in a suite similar to the one I came from and scare the life out of him as he spots me.

“Christ, Liz. You scared the crap out of me,” he says, but with a smile as he comes to cuddle me. Oh, my. This is a strong bond. He is dressed only in a towel and I think my mouth starts to water at the sight and feel of him. I wonder for a moment why he calls me Liz, but then tilt my head up for him to kiss me. He looks down at me in surprise and then drops his mouth to mine briefly. “I thought you were on hiatus,” he smirks.

I don’t know what that means, but I say, “I want you.” And it has the desired effect.

“It’s Tuesday,” he says slowly. “Isn’t there somebody else you should be propositioning first?” he adds slyly, but with humor.

Is there? I have no idea, so I shrug and pull him towards me by the towel. “Kiss me,” I demand, and he doesn’t need asking twice. My body responds to him eagerly and I want him, right now. I can already sense how these two feel about each other and it is driving me crazy with lust.

We don’t even wait to reach the bed before I pull him to me again, running my hands up his chest and into his hair. Oh, the need to touch him is strong. The need to have him touch me is stronger and I gasp as he runs his hands under my skirt.

He picks me up and pushes me against the wall, ripping my panties off me at the same time. Oh, now that is a bold move. I like it. I like it a lot!

I pull on the towel, so it drops to the floor and within seconds he is inside me.

“Oh, yes,” I moan as I feel him pushing into me. She does have a type, this one: tall, gorgeous, and well endowed. I feel a rush go through me and I orgasm almost straight away. This bond of theirs is like nothing I have felt before. It is so different to the ones I have with Constantine and Sebastian.

He groans into my mouth as he feels me throbbing around him and he pulls back from his kisses to bite me. My heart speeds up as I feel his fangs in me and he groans again, sending vibrations going all through me. He releases me and looks into my eyes. “You taste different. More,” he whispers. “Powerful.” He closes his eyes and I want to bite him. Doesn’t seem like we are in a place where we need to ask, so I just do it and he comes instantly, thrusting into me as I suckle from him. Cherries, I think. Luscious, luscious cherries.

“Fuck, Lizzie. What was that?” he asks as he leans his forehead against mine. “Everything about you seems different.”

Oh, dear. I really do need to try, and act more like her.

“I was just anxious for you. I missed you,” I murmur against his lips.

“Anxious?” he murmurs back but stops speaking as I delve my tongue into his mouth. I do like this side of me, all free and easy. He is ready for me straight away, as I expected, and muttering to him to let me please him, he drops me and steps back. I don’t give him the chance to question whatever it was that was forming in his mind as I push him to the bed and climb onto him. I take him with great abandon, relishing this role of another me. I know I am so restrained at home. It is the way it is. The way it is fitting for my station. Even when I am with both Constantine and Sebastian together, I don’t get to feel this and act this way. I let go completely and I am lost in her life.

Unfortunately, our time together is cut short by Cade Sinclair. I am still unsure of his role here, but when he snaps at me to get ready for a run, I do as bid. I am sure that is what she would do. I kiss Devon goodbye wistfully, wishing we could spend more time together. These bonds she has are just so precious. I don’t have any charges. I have never had any charges, so I have never felt what it is like to bond with someone in this way. They love her so completely as she does them. Is this the way that Constantine feels about me? And also Sebastian? I would do well to remember this if I ever get home, I think as I get ready to go running. It is a curious sport, but obviously, something she does. I feel a pang for my sire and husband and for my Faerie soul mate. Are they missing me too? Or is she doing a good enough job of being a better me that they haven’t even noticed I’m gone? I know that her little group has seen the differences, Devon most especially, but she must be somewhat volatile, as they pay it no mind and blame it on her circumstances. Namely, I am guessing, The Thirteen. He is a disconcerting foe; I remember with a shudder at my own encounter with Remiel.

“Ready?” Cade says to me as I step out into the sitting room.

“Yes,” I say.

“Good. I thought the whole point of this week was to stay away from them?” he asks me somewhat rudely. It is none of his business. Or is it?

“I missed him,” I say, averting my eyes.

“Humph. You need to get a grip, lady,” he sneers at me.