“No, thank you,” he says, standing. “I guess I will catch you later.”

“You sure will,” I say as I wave him off, distracted by the darker clouds that are forming overhead. Shrugging it off, I go to find CK. I amble down the main corridor towards the stairs, when a very disagreeable young man practically runs me over as he comes flying up the stairs. He glares at me as if it is my fault and gives me a sweeping once-over with a look of distaste. Okay, I know I don’t look my best but hey, no need to be so rude.

He pushes his wire-rimmed glasses up his narrow nose and steps back. “Excuse me,” he says in a haughty French accent, and not in an apologetic way, but in a get-out-of-my-way way.

“I think not,” I say, giving him my best haughty glare back and he narrows his eyes at me.

“I am in a hurry. I have a job that needs completing for Mr. D’Arcangelo. I am sure your boss would not want you holding me up. Go back to cleaning or whatever it is you are supposed to be doing.” He dismisses me with a wave of his hand.

Boss? Cleaning? I think in fury. Why, you little wormy bastard. I open my mouth to blast him from all sides, when CK appears at his side. “Problem?” he asks, also taking in my über casual outfit with a raised eyebrow.

“Your staff is getting in my way,” the worm says loftily and CK bites his lip in a humungous effort not to laugh.

“My staff? Err, no Georges, this is the lady of the house.”

I grin smugly at him, crossing my arms as his face drops almost to his feet and he stutters his profuse apologies. I wave him away as dismissively as he did to me, his face puce as he hurries on his way.

“Lady of the house?” I murmur to CK as I pull him to me for a kiss.

He leans down with a soft smile. “I do like the way that sounds.” He kisses me quickly and adds, “Although, the lady looks like a surly teenager. Perhaps a bit more effort wouldn’t go amiss?”

“I’m cold,” I say in a huff. “Warn me next time we have visitors.” I stalk away from him with as much dignity as I can, as he chuckles at me and I make my way to the library to wait for him to finish his business with the weasel.

I find hot coffee and Cade and I smile at both. “You have been far too secretive over the last few days,” I say, pointing a finger at him and then at the coffee pot. “Spill it.”

He humors me and pours me a cup and hands it to me. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

“You say things like that, it makes me worry,” I say, taking a sip and lighting the fire with my mind at the same time.

Cade stares at the fire and then back at me. “Impressive. But really, nothing for you to worry about.”

“Are you slacking off?” I ask. “I don’t pay you to slack off.”

“I’m not slacking off. There are just some aspects to my job that you don’t need to know about until they become problems.”

“Like what?”

“Like nothing,” he says as blandly, as if he hadn’t already repeated it twice.

“Cade,” I warn as I slam the mug down. “Don’t test my patience. I have already been wound up by Georges the weasley worm.”

“Who?” he asks and then circles his eyes with his finger. “French glasses guy? Why, what did he do to get on your bad side?”

“Told me to go clean something,” I mutter, still annoyed and get even more so when Cade bursts out laughing. Loudly and for a long time.

“Can’t say you shouldn’t have been expecting it. Look at you. You look like you belong in a gang or something. What is with the outfit?”

“I’m cold!” I yell at him.

“Cold? I thought Vampires were immune to temperature?”

“Indifferent is the word you are looking for and we are. At least I was.” I frown. “But never mind that. Back to you.”

He sighs. “Fine. We are in the process of taking out minor threats. Nothing big and nothing that you should be worrying about.”

“Minor threats? What do you mean?” That has my ears open as I lean forward.

“Exactly what I said. Minor threats. I told you when I came to work for you that there are groups that oppose you. They are gaining more of a foothold but are still small enough to take out without the big guns. Nico and I are taking care of it.”