His eyes go darker with lust. “Mm, I have to say it thrills me too. It reminds me of the time I just had to have you and fucked you during a very dull performance of ‘Cats’ in London a few decades ago.”

“Gave a whole new meaning to private box seats,” I say with a wicked glint. “I know that the old farts in the box next to us were watching.”

“Of course they were, we gave a better performance than what was being displayed on the stage,” he says arrogantly, fully confident in his sexual abilities.

“I am now highly aroused, my love. If you aren’t careful, I am going to pull you into this bathtub and have my wicked way with you.”

“I do love that I can arouse you with just thoughts,” he says as he leans back against the basins, out of my reach, but showing a clear sign of his own arousal. “I think that maybe one day, very soon, we are going to have to revisit the West End for an encore.”

“Now you are just being mean,” I say as he leers deliciously at me. “Putting thoughts like that into my head is a dangerous game if you have no intention of seeing to my needs.” I brush my hands lightly over my nipples and his eyes zero straight in on them now peeping out of the bubbles. I lightly trace my finger down in between my breasts and under the surface of the water as his eyes follow the path. They have darkened even more and are now almost black with his desire, but still he makes no move to touch me. If he is determined to make me wait for him, then I will just take matters into my own hands. Literally.

I close my eyes as I insert my finger into myself, my breath hitching slightly, and I hear his own breathing get heavier as he watches me. I start to rub my clit in slow circles, causing the full bathtub to slosh water all over the floor. He ignores it as his eyes narrow, my own opening slightly to watch him.

“Ah,” I cry out softly as I can feel the tingling start and I speed up, coaxing my orgasm to burst and I shudder and arch my back, pushing my bubble-covered breasts out of the water. The last of the rush leaves me and I sigh and relax again, taking my finger and sucking it seductively. I widen my eyes innocently at him, now highly turned on, but stubborn enough not to do anything about it. He breathes in slowly as I say, “One of these days, my love, you will learn that if you insist on turning me on and then leaving me unfulfilled, I will find a way to satisfy myself.”

“One of these days, my love,” he repeats, “you will learn that everything I do has a reason. Watching you pleasure yourself is one of life’s greatest gifts. I enjoy it almost as much as when I do it to you. And I really enjoy it when you think you have the upper hand, but you are merely acting on the course that I have

set.” His self-satisfied, smug smile is in place and I want to slap it off his face. The jerk. I stick my middle finger up at him and he lets out a loud guffaw, which causes me to add the other one, to his thorough enjoyment.

“You can’t win that game with me, my sweet. I know you too well, remember?”

“You shouldn’t be so boastful about being a master manipulator,” I say loftily. “It is not an attractive quality,” I add, which only serves to increase his laughter.

“Which isn’t? Being a master manipulator or being boastful?” he asks in between snickers.

“Both,” I snap at him. “If you aren’t careful, I will be the one withholding later.”

That shuts him up long enough to glare at me. “You wouldn’t dare,” he says. “You want me too much. You have no willpower.”

“Confident, aren’t you?” I say, flicking water at him. “Are you suggesting that you do have willpower? That you can resist me?”

“Of course,” he says with a shrug.

“Oh, I see. So, if I were to leave right now, you wouldn’t follow me?”

“Oh, I would follow you and drag you back, as this is my time. What I do with it, and you, is entirely up to me.”

“Entirely up to you? Bold words,” I say, enjoying this game as much as he is. “I suppose we shan’t be doing the ritual then later. What a pity,” I say it innocently and look away, making a show of washing myself and feigning nonchalance.

I can sense rather than see his fury that I have now, in fact, won this round and I smile, trying to hide it but failing miserably.

“You are a wicked woman,” he says. “A wicked, wicked woman. You are far too clever for your own good.”

“Do you admit defeat?” I ask, brazenly brandishing the loofa, as I would a sword.

“It appears the Ace up your proverbial sleeve has beaten my own this time,” he says grudgingly. “Don’t get used to it. The next time you threaten me with that, it will be the last.” He stalks out in bad grace, as I howl with laughter. He always was a sore loser. There again, I suppose when you hardly ever lose, it must come as a shock to the system.

Still celebrating my win, I get out of the bath and towel myself dry. A shiver goes down my spine as I think of all the ways he will make me pay but it was so worth it to see the look on his face.

I wrap the towel around my waist as I grab another to squeeze the water out of my hair. I exit the bathroom and stop short as there is a stranger in our bedroom. CK has disappeared, still in a temper no doubt, but has left me with a Feeder it would seem. He turns to look at me and his eyes widen as he takes in my naked top half, which I quickly cover up with the hair towel.

“Sorry,” he says in English. “I was told to wait here; I didn’t realize you were in there.” He points to the bathroom.

“No worries,” I say, as I turn my back to him and loosen the towel to pull up to cover my breasts. “I am fairly certain that information was left out on purpose,” I mutter more to myself as I turn back around.

He looks relieved that I am now covered up, as it were, and sits down at the dresser. Feeling very awkward and vulnerable, I make my way over to him and quickly drink from him and step back. “Thank you,” I murmur. He nods and stands.

“My pleasure,” he murmurs back, his eyes briefly dropping back to my tits, before he turns on his heel to leave. He looks back over his shoulder as he reaches the door. “I’m Edward,” he says. “You’ll be seeing me again.” He leers jokingly at me and I smile at him. Seems that my sire, in his uncanny way, has already hired someone to relieve Ramon of his twice-a-day duty. Saves us a conversation, but it irritates me that he didn’t consult me first. Still, he is AB Neg, which is a must and he seems affable. Nothing worse than an uptight Feeder.