“He knows that won’t happen.”

“It already has, only he won’t accept it.”

“He has accepted it. He knows what the deal is.”

“Hm,” he says and lies back down. “You alone have the capability to either make him the happiest man alive or to destroy him completely. Don’t make the wrong choice.”

I was going to yell at him to mind his own business, when I am interrupted by a beeping from his phone. “Half an hour,” he says as he turns it off. “You should get showered and fed.”

“You have me on a tight schedule,” I say as I climb out of bed and look around.

“Not me. If it were up to me you would be here all day, well actually, for the rest of my life.”

My eyes find his again and he flushes slightly as he says, “You know that thing you did with the blood, my blood? That was probably one of the hottest things I have ever experienced.”

I smile and say, “Really?”

“Oh yes. Our sire always said you could make a man forget himself. I never understood what that meant until today.”

I crawl back on to the bed and take his face in my hands. “My sweet Sebastian,” I say, and he starts. “You have truly missed out on some of the best things Vampire life can offer.”

“She called me that,” he chokes. “The other you, she called me that. Why did you call me that?”

“It’s fitting. You taste so sweet, it is intoxicating.”

“Describe it,” he whispers with his eyes closed.

“The second your blood hits the tongue you taste like honey and as it slides down your throat, you can taste strawberries and cream and warm apple pie.”

“Uh…” he says as he finds my mouth and kisses me. “You taste like cherries with a spicy kick.”

I giggle. “So I’ve been told.” I pull away and ask, “Bathroom?”

“Oh, it’s on the second floor. It’s too small up here. I’ll take you.” He wraps his arms around me and Teleports us into the shower. My eyes widen as I see the full-length glass window in the shower, overlooking the extensive grounds. “Wow. That is very cool.”

“I know,” he says as he turns to the jets on. “Thank fuck we don’t have neighbors,” he adds with an impish glint in his eye as he picks me up and pushes me against it as he enters me. I gasp as he hits the spot dead on and hoping this is safety glass as he pounds me up against it, I come quickly as does he.

“Never, in all my life have I felt this way,” he murmurs to me. “If we are truly destined to be together, Liv, I can’t let you go. I can’t let him have you. I won’t. If you are my Chosen One, I will make you my wife. Damn the consequences.” He kisses me before I can protest and Teleports out, leaving me breathless and worried about what all of this means.

I shower quickly and as I step out there is a swift knock and the door opens. In strides a man I have never seen before, but I assume is the Feeder. Ramon is on a break for the next two days. I have been feeding solely from him twice a day and it is taking its toll on him. I am going to have to speak to CK about finding someone else. I take what I can from him, but it isn’t enough. Sebastian has taken a lot out of me and I feel weary.

I Astral back upstairs and find him staring out of the window. “Did you feed?”

“Yes, thank you. I hate to sound all Oliver Twist though, but I need more.”

He snickers. “I have taken a lot from you today. Take some back,” he says, holding his hands up. I take them gratefully as his phone beeps again. “Five minutes,” he mouths, and I speed up the process. His energy fills me, and I feel completely strong again. I quickly get dressed and pick my shoes up.

“You need to tell him,” he says suddenly. “He needs to know about you and about us.”

“I can’t, Seb. Not now. I told you if it comes to that then I will. We don’t know if Drake is going to show, he might never acknowledge me. By the sounds of it, I am not sure I want him to. He sounds dreadful and it is just going to complicate everything.”

“But if we belong together, then we need to be together, Liv. To deny it would be a bad move.”

“And what about CK and my husband?” I ask him, expecting him to answer.

He doesn’t and we just stare at each other.

“I should go,” I say eventually as the phone dings for, I imagine, one minute. Christ, he wasn’t taking any chances I might be late.