“I’m not done with you yet,” I say wickedly, and he moans. I trail blazing paths down his chest with my hands and then stop. He looks up at me and then is on his knees in an instant as he sees me turn around and bend over. “Oh yes,” he breathes, and he wastes no time in pushing himself inside me. He pounds into me and I bunch my fingers into the covers to stop myself from coming too soon. I want this to last as he is driving me wild. I can feel that fizzy, fiery Fae connection between us and it is like every nerve ending is being stimulated at the same time. I know that he can feel it too as he slows down and pulls right out of me, before thrusting all the way back in. He does that four or five more times before I can’t hold on any longer and neither can he and we come together loudly and intensely. I am ready for dropping, needing a minute myself now, but he doesn’t give me one as I didn’t give him one. He kneels back on his heels, pulling me back with him. He drops his fangs again as he plays with my nipples, tweaking them softly as he bites me as harshly as I did to him. Staying inside me but not moving, he starts to play with me, careful not to nick me with his claws, and I push myself against his hand. He releases me just to whisper, “I have wanted to do this for so long. Come for me baby.” He sinks his fangs back into me and I do come for him. Long and hard, arching my back against him as he tightens his grip on my breast, squeezing it hard before he tugs on my nipple, causing a sensation to ripple from my back teeth all the way down to my toes. He stops drinking from me and snaps his fangs back, spinning me around to face him. “Oh, Liv, I know that I shouldn’t, but I am falling so far in love with you, I can’t stop it.”

I can’t say anything back to him, so I just kiss him tenderly, and he sighs, knowing it is a distraction, his green eyes fogging over slightly as I pull back and drop my fangs. He shuffles underneath me and wraps my legs around him, holding me close as I bite him softly this time. I suckle slowly on him as he did to me, relishing the sweet taste of him. I drink for a long time and he relaxes into the bite as I move over him slowly, giving him everything he wants, everything he needs.

“Oh, Liv, this is so perfect,” he mutters. “I never dreamed it could be like this.” He shudders as he comes again and I release him, retracting my fangs before I kiss him. He pushes me away from him, holding onto my hips as he stares into my eyes. I feel a mental fog go over me and I just sink into it. I just want to keep riding him as he whispers words to me, unintelligible words that drift up and down and over me before he kisses me sweetly and then moves his lips over my jaw and down my neck, leaning forward as he pushes me further back. He takes my nipple in his mouth, pushing on my backside to get me to ride him faster. The fog starts to clear, and I can feel myself on the verge of falling over the edge when he drops his fangs and bites down on my nipple, pushing against my back to get me closer to him. I cry out as the orgasm rips through me and somewhere in the back of my head, I am yelling at him to stop because that isn’t for him. It is for CK only. But he doesn’t stop, he keeps on sucking until another wave washes over me and any betrayal I feel, washes away with it as he lets me go and kisses me as he comes again.

Thoroughly spent, we fall back to the bed in each other’s arms. We lie in silence for a while and then I turn onto my back, pulling the cover over me in a sudden sense of modesty. He turns on his side and props himself up on his elbow and trails his finger up and down in between my breasts, pushing the sheet back down. “Liv,” he says as he takes my face in his hand and turns me to face him. “Thank you.” It is barely a whisper, but I hear him and shake my head.

“Don’t thank me, Seb. It makes it feel like…I don’t know…services rendered or something. It isn’t like that.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make it sound like that. I just…it has been so long since I had someone willing take me like that. Even then, it wasn’t like that,” he adds with a smile.

“You had someone who knew?” I ask, now madly curious, and it’s as good a time as any to ask.

A shadow passes over his face. “Yes, a long, long time ago.”

“What happened?” I dare ask.

“She betrayed me, and Constantine killed her,” he says coldly and clams up, but I’m not ready to drop this.

“Who was she? Who was she, to you?”

He looks at me for a long moment debating with himself whether to tell me or not. He must decide that we are in a place where secrets hold no meaning anymore and he says, “My wife.”

Chapter 20

“Your wife? She betrayed you?” I ask, shocked that someone he loved and trusted could do that.

“Not just my wife, my charge,” he adds, with a bitter twist to his lips as he turns onto his back and stares at the ceiling.

“Oh, Sebastian. I’m so sorry.” I turn onto my side and place my hand on his chest.

He shrugs. “It was over two thousand seven hundred years ago. The sting of betrayal has all but faded.”

“But still…”

“It’s fine,” he says and faces me. “Puts you in a special place though. If you ever betrayed me, I know our sire wouldn’t kill you and he wouldn’t let me do it either. You pretty much have me

over a barrel.”

“Do you really think I would do that?” I frown at him, disturbed that he has obviously thought about it.

“Honestly, no I don’t. You have nothing to gain from it and everything to lose. He may not kill you, but he would never speak to you again,” he says.

“Don’t be so sure on the killing part,” I say, knowing we have crossed over the serious bridge into easier territory. “Sometimes I swear I make him so mad, just his look alone would do me in if I weren’t so invulnerable.”

He laughs easily. “Don’t I know it. You know how to push his buttons. I find it quite amusing actually.”

“Do you know what I still can’t believe? That all this time has passed and I only just these last few months know about you. How does he do that? Keep everything so close to his vest? Especially you.”

“Fear, I guess.”

“Fear of what? I haven’t known him to be afraid of anything,” I scoff.

“You really don’t know, do you?” he asks, sitting up.

“What?” I say perplexed.

“He is terrified that someone will come along and take you from him.”