“If you had asked me because you wanted to be with me, I would have come,” he says simply and I look away, not wanting to go down heartbreak road this early in the morning.

“I suppose we should go,” I say instead, and he tenses up as he puts the cup down.

“Yes, I suppose we should.” He stands and helps me up. He looks at me for the longest moment and says, “Aefre…” but I put a hand up to his mouth and shake my head.

“Don’t say it. Whatever it is you want to say, leave it until after.” He nods and I add, “There is also something I want to ask you. Please try to remind me later.”

“Of course,” he says and escorts me back into the bedroom.

“I’ll take this down to the library and then we can go.” I hold up the book.

“Allow me,” he says as he wraps his arms around me and Teleports us to the library. I place the book in the empty space where it belongs and turn as we are joined by Cade and Sebastian.

“Ready?” Sebastian says, aiming for nonchalance but failing somewhat.

I nod briskly and he takes Cade by the arm and Teleports them both to Ponte. I take CK’s arm and he hesitates. “I’m sorry,” he whispers before he follows them with me clinging to him, not really wanting to let go.

We land in the Grand Entrance Hall, joined by Nico and he and Cade flit off together, heads bowed, discussing something of the utmost importance that he doesn’t even look back. I am glad though, because now he won’t see me disappear with Sebastian and it is one less lie, I have to tell. As they turn the corner and disappear, Sebastian holds his hand out to me. “Shall we?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I say quietly and turn back to CK, who is looking as pained as I feel. I pull him close and whisper in his ear, “Tonight, we will do the ritual again, okay?” I want to give him something to take away from this parting that he can look forward to, something that will take his mind off me going off with his best friend and charge.

“Yes,” he whispers back to me as he tangles his fingers in my hair to hold me close to him. “I am going to sweep you off your feet. It will be the most romantic night of your life,” he adds with a smile that is practically forced, at our inside joke and I take his face in my hands.

“That is a tall order, sir. You had better get started on your planning,” I say.

He relaxes then, a tiny bit, as he chuckles. “Lucky for you, I have already got everything I need to please you.”

“All I need is you,” I say as I kiss him sweetly before I pull away and step back. I turn swiftly and let Sebastian lead me away, not wanting to look back.

As you may have come to realize by now, I am pretty good at compartmentalizing my life. Every little piece has its own little place. A vault, if you will. I close one and open another. It makes it easier to go from one person to another. Cade once asked me how I do it and other Liv was also interested to know, how I can turn my focus so intently from one to another.

He leads me down the bottom floor of the castle and turns into the right wing. As we turn the corner, I ask him, “Where exactly are we going?”

“To my bedroom,” he says as he takes my hand.

“You have a bedroom here?” I asked, surprised, but then feel a bit foolish, because of course he does.

“Yes, don’t you?” he says with a smile.

“I have two,” I say with a laugh.

“Well one and a half,” he says, and I concede that is a fair point.

“You seem to be out in the back of nowhere,” I say as we continue down the corridor to the back of the castle.

“Not exactly,” he says as he stops at a very recognizable, heavy, wooden, studded door.

“Oh,” I say and freeze. “Your bedroom is in the North Tower,” I state.

“Yes,” he says. “Is that a problem?”

“No,” I say, determined not to make it an issue.

“We can find somewhere else,” he says, sensing my hesitation. “I understand if you…you know…towers…” he trails off, not really knowing what to say.

“It’s fine,” I say and open the door. I ascend the stairs slowly but steadily. I conquered this fear and I won’t let it come back to bite me now.

He follows me silently until I reach the turret door, then I step back to let him open it. Not out of wanting him to be chivalrous, but as it is his bedroom, I am not comfortable with just making myself at home and barging in.