“Oh, sweetie. None of this is your fault. Lance is, was, such an evil creature.”

“I am glad you let me stay to watch him die,” he said forcefully. “Best day of my life.”

And with that I knew I was not going to get any more out of him, like how exactly Lance managed to get him to do what he wanted. Although, having been rather familiar with Lance’s techniques myself, I was sure I could imagine.

“Thank you,” I whispered to him as I gave him a quick hug. He shrugged and hugged me back.

“Now, Queen Liv, I think you owe me a story about how you found out you were a Dragon,” he said with a chuckle and I proceeded to tell him my story, much to his relief that I dropped the subject of his capture.

Chapter 1

The G6, 2013 – Liv/Constantine

“Come again?” I blink at Devon as he continues to glare at me. “My husband?”

“Yes,” he snaps. “Remember? Five hundred and seven years ago, you turned me on Holy ground, and we got married?”

“What?” I shake my head, very confused now, and look to CK for assistance. He is glaring at Devon like he wants to kill him, so no help there then.

I look at everyone else on board the jet as it makes a swift landing. I am going to assume at Pearson in Toronto, but we could be anywhere right now, and as we are all still standing, we all tumble to the floor in a big heap.

“CK,” I say, grabbing his arm as he pulls me upright. “What the fuck?”

“This isn’t what I had in mind, Aefre!” he yells at me. “What do I have to do to get you where I want you?”

“Don’t fucking yell at me,” I yell back at him, almost in tears. “This is your fucking fault. You should never have said anything to him.” I start to cry now, and Devon is the first to give me comfort.

“Lizzie, what is happening? What are you talking about and where did you go? Why have you Shifted and why are speaking with a British accent?” he asks quizzically.

“Am I still Queen?” I snuffle into his chest, ignoring all his questions, as he strokes my hair.

“Of course! You have been Queen for over five hundred years,” he says.

“What?” I squeak at him, now completely sober. Again, I look back at CK and he is thunderous.

“Him? Him?” he yells, pointing at a startled Devon. “It was him this time? Fuck’s sake, Aefre.”

“What do you mean ‘this time?’ Both of you have some serious explaining to do,” Lincoln says.

I look at Lincoln. “Wait, Linc. How long have we known each other?”

“Coming up on a couple hundred years,” he says. “Don’t you remember?”

I shake my head. “No…Lance?” I question him.

“Who’s Lance?” he asks.

I look back at Cole, who is looking concerned and I ask, “And us?”

“Nearly nine months.”

Right, well that seems to fit, so I ask, “And I turned you?”


“But we didn’t get married?”

“Noooo, you are married to Devon,” he says and looks at me as if I have lost my marbles.