“Honestly, Aefre, sometimes you really do act your human age.”

“Oh? And you find fault with that?”

“Sometimes it surprises me that the Queen of The Underworld chooses to act like a teenager instead of the thousand-year-old Vampire that she is,” he says, standing as well to face me.

“Well, maybe it is because I never got to be a teenager,” I say hotly and then regret it. “I don’t mean that in a way to disregard you,” I say quickly. “But I see how carefree they are nowadays, and I never had that. Not even after you freed me from that monstrous life. I always had to live up to something far beyond my paltry years.”

“No, you didn’t. It was my fault that made you think that, and I am sorry. I demanded too much of you, too quickly. I know that now. If I could take it back, I would.”

“Fine but let me have a tantrum every now and again,” I say with small smile.

“As you wish but go and speak to Cole. His anxiety is driving me crazy from here. I don’t know how you can ignore it.”

“I’m not ignoring it,” I say, insulted. “I am trying to decide what to say to him.”

“It’s easy,” he says. “You apologize to him for being a neglectful sire and that what he did was normal and not wrong and then you kiss and make up.” He frowns. “Well, actually, scrap that last part. I don’t want to think of you doing that.”

My sorrowful expression catches him off guard. “What? Neglectful? You think I have been neglectful?” I ask.

“Yes,” he says carefully. “You ignored his desire and rejected his ask for help.”

The tears well up and I can’t stop them from tumbling down my cheeks as I stand there feeling terrible, as all he says is true.

“Aefre, don’t cry about it. Just go and fix it,” he says gently, putting his arms around me and holding me close. “I don’t like to see you so upset over something I can’t mend for you. You being a neglectful sire is turning me into a helpless one,” he says with a smile to his lips and I snuffle as I look up at him with a half-hearted laugh.

“Well, I wouldn’t want that,” I say. “I know how you hate being helpless. I will go and apologize to him.” I step back from him and he nods briskly.

“But no kissing and making up,” he growls at me and I chuckle as I head back into the house.

“Thank you,” I say softly over my shoulder. It doesn’t surprise me that he doesn’t reply, knowing how torn up inside he is wanting the rift between me and Cole, but also knowing he must do everything he can to fix it.

I find Cole on the balcony to our bedroom, overlooking the garden towards the woods. It also happens to overlook the spot where I had been sitting on the wall. How long has he been there? I don’t mind if he saw me with Devon or CK, even, but Sebastian and I shared something private. If he ever caught wind of what I might be and what I am going to do, he will leave me. I know that now without a doubt.

“Hey,” I say as he continues to stare out at the woods.

“Hey,” he says back, not turning around.

I sit next to him and take his hand. He lets me, but I sense his reluctance.

“Cole, I am sorry. I have been a terrible sire to you and a terrible wife. I should have been more attentive and taken your desires seriously and I shouldn’t have made you feel bad about it. Can you forgive me?”

He turns to me then with a look of surprise. “You are apologizing to me? I should be apologizing to you. I let you down. I gave in to my desires and I shouldn’t have.”

“Yes, you should have. You shouldn’t have had to hold on to them in the first place. It is my fault for forcing my ‘piety,’” I use Devon’s word with sarcastic air quotes, “on to you.”

He snorts in amusement. “I can think of a million adjectives for you but pious is not one of them.”

I smile gently and feel that damn prickle over the top of shoulder again. I rub it absently and ask, “Am I forgiven?”

“There is nothing to forgive,” he says, now squeezing my hand tightly.

“Cole, there is something I think we need to discuss though,” I say seriously, and he sighs.

“I know what you are going to ask and yes, I am fine with what happened.”

“Fine?” I ask with a frown.

“They were sent here to hurt you, us. That makes it fine in my book.”