“I’m making another one,” he ventures cautiously, and I turn to look at him now, fairly sure what he is going to say.

“I’m going to step up and be a sire to Jess,” he says, and I nod briskly. I knew it was coming after what he said before.

“I thought you might. Are you sure? Only a few short weeks ago you were adamant it was not going to happen.”

“Yes, I’m sure. A few weeks ago, everything was fucked up. I have clarity now.”

“Don’t let it change you,” I say, suddenly worried for him. “You are…”

“I know. Being so serious and grown up.” He chuckles, “I’m not changing, Lizzie, or not for the worst.” He puts his arm around me, and I lean against him, finding comfort and reassurance in his familiar embrace. “I want to say that this doesn’t change anything between me and you, but I feel it’s been used already,” he smirks at me.

“Damn right, it doesn’t. If it does, I’ll have something to say about it.”

“Good,” he says with a beam. “I love you,” he adds quietly and stands up. “I’ll leave you to your pensive thoughts.”

“Okay, baby. I love you too,” I say as he steps back, and I am left alone again to consider his actions. Christ, there are so many changes. Will I ever be able to keep up?

I don’t get left alone for very long as now it appears everyone wants a word with me.

Next up is Sebastian.

“Hey,” he says as he sits. “You up for a bit of company?”

“No,” I say, still annoyed with him for his part in the Hunt.

“Too bad, Queenie. I’m not leaving.”

“Suit yourself,” I say then sit in silence and wait for whatever it is he wants to say.

“Can I ask you something?” he says eventually.

“Sure,” I say uncertainly.

“If it turns out that we are destined to be together, will you…erm…will you, you know…be with me?”

I turn to face him, and he is looking slightly flushed. “What are you asking me exactly?”

He takes a deep breath. “Will you choose me?”

Taken aback, I stare at him. “Seb, I don’t want to choose now. Never mind over something that might not happen. Besides all that, I have already made a promise which need to be kept.”

He nods sadly. “But promises were made to be broken,” he says quietly.

“Not this one.” I take his hand in mine. “I love him. You know that.”

“Yeah. It’s epic. The stuff of legends. I get it,” he says resentfully.


“It’s okay, I should have already known you would choose him.”

We sit in silence again. “It’s not about choosing. When we are married..."

“I can offer you something that he can’t,” he says.

“I know. But it doesn’t work that way.”

“Feed from me,” he says suddenly.