I take this opportunity to sneak off to see CK. It is bad of me, especially after the way Cole reacted to the terrace thing yesterday, but a girl needs her sire and it feels like years since I was in his bed.

I creep out of bed and down the corridor to the room that CK said he was going to occupy. I wonder briefly if he did end up staying or going back home, but I sense him as I open the door and close it quietly, locking it, which is kind of useless, but still.

I climb onto the bed and watch him sleep. The sheet barely covering his naked body, I am itching to touch him. He truly is the finest specimen the gods ever created. I trail a long, ebony nail down his pale chest, and he smiles. “I wondered how long it would take for you to touch me. That was too long,” he says.

“Sorry to wake you,” I whisper.

“Don’t be. I was dreaming of you and now here you are.”

“What were you dreaming?” I ask, lowering my hand under the thin sheet and stroking his silky-smooth shaft that stirs under my hand instantly.

“This,” he says, eyes still closed. “You must have read my mind.”

“That is your trick, my love. Maybe I was dreaming of this and you read my mind.”

He chuckles, then gasps as I take his balls in my hand and move my mouth over him. “Oh, Aefre, I want you to see to me, like you haven’t done in a while.”

“You want me to do all the work?” I ask, coming up for air. “I thought you wanted me completely at your mercy?”

“I do, next time. This time, I want to be at yours.”

Oh, my, I do like to hear those words. I start my arduous torture of him bringing him to a quick climax in my mouth as he cries out softly.

“Fuck, yes,” he says as I come up to kiss him. “More,” he rasps as I run my tongue around his lips and all the way down his neck, pausing briefly to nip him with my regular teeth, which sends him wild with lust.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” I ask as I kiss him all the way down his chest.

“Yes,” he breathes. “Right now. I need to feel you tight and wet, sliding over me.”

I crawl onto him, pulling the nightgown up over my hips. He slides it the rest of the way up my body and throws it on the floor. “I want to see you, all of you,” he says before he dives onto my nipples, sucking each in turn before I push him back to the bed and slip him inside me.

He groans as he feels how much I want him and I move up and down slowly, the only sound, the slurping of our desire. I steady myself with my hands on his chest and he puts his over mine and closes his eyes in bliss. “I love you,” he murmurs, a faint smile touching his blood red lips. His blood red lips that have me mesmerized. A darker red than of late and it feels like a bucket of cold water has been thrown on me. I stop dead and his eyes fly open at the sudden brakes on his pleasure.

“He is a killer,” is the only thought that flashes through my mind, followed shortly by: “We all are.”

My brain scrambles, and every single piece locks into place like a super-glued jigsaw. His unnatural calm, especially after his edginess of the last few weeks. His languorous attitude, letting me take control of him and his playfulness last night. My mind flicks to Devon. The argument on the driveway yesterday and then his return to top form last night. My witty, clever, smart arse boy that has been so serious and introvert of late. Cole…his excitement over the “errand” he had to run, his request that I go to Lincoln, now a clear tactic for distraction and his unusually terse attitude when he came home, which was layering a thin film of anxiety and tension, and finally Sebastian…fun-loving, easy to please, relaxed and content instead of brooding and serious since the last week’s events, it all makes sense: they went Hunting. The four of them cut me out of the decision to take Cole out Hunting. They all fed and killed. The horror fills me up and CK can see it in my eyes now and shakes his head, gripping my hips to stop me from climbing off him. “Aefre,” he says. “Don’t blow this out of proportion.”

I remove his hands from me and scrabble off the bed, holding a hand up to stop him from following me. I grab my nightgown and hold it up to me like some sort of defense against him.

“Don’t be like that,” he says to me, his voice dark and low. “You know it was the right thing to do.”

“The right thing to do? It couldn’t have been the more wrong thing to do.” My voice wavers as I hold back the tears. I turn my back and pull the

nightgown over my head, edging towards the door.

“Aefre,” he says. “Don’t overreact.” He stealthily climbs out of bed and pulls on a pair of sweats, approaching me cautiously as he would a dangerous predator. Only I am not the dangerous one. He is. “We can explain. Just let us explain,” he says, holding his hand up.

“I will be in the library,” I say with as much strength as I can muster. “Get your band of brothers and meet me in there in five minutes.” I turn from him to open the door and then look back. “And you had damn well better have a fucking good reason,” I add and march out of the room and downstairs, quickly changing into something a little less revealing. I can’t very well have a confrontation with four well-fed Vampires in a satin nightie.

Exactly five minutes later, they all troop in, in various stages of undress and I am glad to be the only one with the ability to change with the click of my fingers.

They all stare at me in my unbridled fury, each one unwilling to start, so I do. “Whose idea was it to go?”

“Mine,” Cole says, stepping forward. “You know that I wanted to, especially after the other night. I told you,” he says quietly. “You told me to speak to Devon and I did.” My eyes flick to Devon who just stares back at me.

“And I told you, I would take him if you refused,” he says.

“And you two?” I bark at CK and Sebastian.