“Only a few kisses?” he repeats. “Only a few kisses? Well, that makes it all right then, doesn’t it?”

“Cole,” I say, holding onto my patience at his attitude. “We were in the woods. He had to get out and run. We walked back and he kissed me in, what we thought, was still a private moment. I can’t help it if you all were gawking at us from inside the house. What has got you really pissed? Errand not go well?” I ask, just this side of nasty.

His face goes pale and I know I have hit a nerve. The whole Lincoln thing is a distraction from the real issue at hand. “That was fine. I just did not expect to find my wife on display to all and sundry when I got home.”

“I have already apologized. I will take better care next time. Make sure that there is no one watching,” I say, unable to keep the tinge of sarcasm out of my voice.

“Get in the bath, clean yourself up, and then get downstairs,” he orders me, and I do a double take, as I am sure that was just CK speaking to me through Cole. “Act dutiful and wifely and put that dress back on. You look demure and pretty in it.” And he stomps off, leaving me gawking at him in disbelief. Fuck me if I haven’t just been told. Had it not been for the fact that I am his sire, and his Queen, and he should be beat down for his insubordination, I would have gone over all mushy. I wonder what the real problem is that bit him on the bum. I know it’s not the Lincoln thing, so it must be something bad for him to treat me in the way that he has. I climb into the fragrant bath–too fragrant bath–and I choke on the overpowering fumes of lavender and something else he seems to have thrown in that doesn’t go. Regardless, I sink under the water and hover for a few minutes and then surface and run my hands through my hair. Finding a couple of twigs and a leaf or two. Christ. I must have looked a fright. My temper firing up even more at Cole, I climb out of the bath and sort myself into a decent state, putting the dress back on, but coiling my hair into a tight, tight bun that I know he isn’t partial to, and the highest heels I can find, as I also know he prefers to tower over me in my bare feet. It’s a power thing. One I don’t usually mind him exerting over me. The gods know he doesn’t have much else, but now I am all kinds of mad at his attitude.

I head back downstairs and find everyone in the billiards room. There is a slight pause as I enter but at my narrowed eyes, the conversation returns. I gaze adoringly at Lincoln, just to poke the new Vampire, as I make my way to Cole and stand coldly next to him.

He gives me a slightly apologetic look, knowing he has pissed me off. He bends to kiss me, so I turn my head and his lips land on my cheek. He catches his breath and wraps his arms around me.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”

I ignore him but let him hold me anyway.

Devon hands me a drink. I give him a big beam, and pull away from Cole to hug him fiercely, turning my face up to him so that he can kiss me on the mouth.

I catch Cole’s eyes and he sighs. “All right. I get it. You are pissed at me and so you should be. I was a complete dick. I humbly apologize within earshot of everyone and it won’t happen again.”

“Accepted,” I say and now allow him to give me a proper kiss.

But I still abandon him and plop myself down on the sofa next to Jess.

“Hey,” she says.


“You okay?”

“Fine. Tired. You?”


I nod and turn to her. “How are you really doing now?”

“I’m really good,” she says, her eyes sparkling. “It helps to be able to feed on humans.”

“I’m sorry that we didn’t manage to spend any time together this last week. As usual things went a little crazy.” I pull my face and she laughs.

“Don’t worry about it. There is something I have been meaning to tell you, but can we go and speak in private?”

“Sure, what’s it about?”

“A work thing,” she says vaguely.

I stand and go back to Cole, murmuring that I am going to speak to Jess in the other room. He nods and kisses me and watches me walk away.

We go into the library, close the door, and I say, “What’s up?”

“I wanted to tell you on the jet but wasn’t sure who would be listening. Jenn contacted me a few days ago.” At my quizzical look she adds, “Scott’s new assistant. She said that there has been several phone calls and a couple of visits to the offices by someone looking for you. He seems very insistent and has been asking where he can contact you.”


sp; “Who is it?” I ask, less worried, more intrigued.

“Some guy called Finn. Do you know him?”