“In all fairness, it’s not an accusation. He knows,” I say quietly.

“Oh really? I thought you wanted it under wraps,” he says, pleased.

“I do, but Lincoln and I have a special connection. That day after The Thirteen nightmare, with us in the shower? He saw what we have.”

“And what did he see?” he asks as he steps closer, ignoring the roar and gnashing of teeth from Lincoln.

“I am sure I don’t need to spell it out,” I say. “Now I do need to go and…” I tilt my head to Lincoln, whose sinewy muscles are rippling down his flanks. “He needs to run.”

“Go. I will catch up with you later. I want to talk more about this.”

“And I want to talk more about what I just saw.” I indicate him up and down.

He looks embarrassed and shrugs. “I was hoping you wouldn’t see that for a while yet.”

“Why? You have seen my Shifts. It’s only fair.”

“That side is a vicious side. I don’t want you to see it,” he says shortly.

“Don’t be silly,” I say softly. “It is a part of you.”

He nods swiftly and turns back to the house without another word and I let Lincoln go and he shoots off towards the woods, leaving me to follow at a more sedate pace in my heels. I kick them off as I look back towards the driveway, but it is empty now and both cars are gone. I shrug it off and, keeping my eye on Lincoln, who has stopped on the edge of the woods to see if I am following, I answer my phone which is buzzing in my jeans pocket.

“Cade, what can I do for you?”

“Are you safe?” he asks without bothering with pleasantries.

“Perfectly fine, thank you.”

“I don’t like being away from you.”

“Oh, how sweet, you miss me,” I say.

“Not like that,” he grumbles.

“Sure, whatever,” I sing-song to him to his annoyance. “Have you found anything out?”

“Yes, Nico has said they are sending a team in. In fact, they are already in London.”

“How many?” I ask, only slightly concerned about the team of Hunters being sent to kill me, or whatever it is they plan to do.

“Six. The best six, not Hunters though.” He sounds worried.

“But you are better. Just get here as soon as you can. What are they then if not Hunters?”

“Assassins. Way worse. I am on my way; we landed an hour ago, but that airport is manic. Nico is going as fast as he can. Geez, these roads are tiny and busy,” he complains.

“No worries. Nico knows where to come. I will be on the grounds but don’t disturb. I have some nurturing to do,” I say with a smile and he laughs.

“Fine, you go nurture. We’ll see you in a bit.” He hangs up and I pocket my phone. I look up and remember that there is no shadow cover over the grounds here. Good thing we are isolated, but I turn in a circle, arms outstretched and say the spell, borrowed from the Grimoire this time, and a rush of smoke comes out of both my hands as I spin, twirling it up into a vortex that branches out over the estate and with a soft “thwump” bounces and shimmers into nothing. We are now protected from prying eyes. Nicely done, if I do say so myself. I have reached the edge of the woods by this time and I decide to Shift myself to Wolf form. Putting my phone on a low-level tree branch, I concentrate and the next minute I am on all fours shaking out my golden fur and picking up Lincoln’s scent the second my nose hits the ground. I snuffle after him. It is faint so he must have gone quite far so I pick up my pace, anxious to get to him now. The scent gets stronger the deeper into the woods I go and soon I am almost on top of it. I am in a clearing. A small patch of grass, free from trees and debris with a heavy canopy of leaves high up above. It is gloomy and cold. I feel it in this form. I look around for him, but I can’t see him. I let out a low rumble and he comes to me almost instantly, peering at me with his beautiful green eyes. I remember what he wanted to do to me on the full moon and pang of nerves shoots through me. He feels it and steps back. He shakes his head and Shifts back. He scratches me behind my ears and chuckles, “Don’t worry if you aren’t ready for that. Shift back.”

I step back from him and Shift and he is in my arms, knocking me to the damp floor, our naked bodies entwining around each other in desperate need as he kisses me.

“I need you,” he says, and I open my legs in response, but he shakes his head.

“Turn around. I know you are nervous to do it as a Wolf, but I can still take you this way now.”

I do as he says and, kneeling in the clearing, he pushes on my back as he enters me and I moan, “Oh, yes, Linc.”