“Then we wait,” he says and takes a sip.

“Why exactly are you here in the middle of the night?” I ask.

“Only time to actually get you on your own without a big deal being made of it.”

“Oh. Sebastian, did you tell CK about me? About my F.H.?” I say in code.

“F.H.? Oh, Fae Heritage,” he whispers. “No, I told you he wouldn’t hear it from me. Why do you think I did?”

I push aside the vision thing. Dream thing, whatever it is. “He is acting stranger than normal. Being cagey and asking about my father, telling me to let it go. I just wondered is all.”

“He is acting strange because he is curious as to why you suddenly changed your mind about me.”

“Well, blackmail aside,” I glare at him. “I can’t tell him. Not yet.”

“You have to.”

“No, not yet.”

“When then?” he asks exasperated.

“When, or even the very big if, Drake ever shows up looking for me.”

“No, Liv. You can’t leave it. He has to know what we are to each other.” He takes my hand and I let him, only because I want to feel the electricity between us.

“I can’t, Sebastian. It would kill him if he knew. We have our own plans and I need him happy and secure. Especially now.”

“I know about your plans. Even more reason he should know. Why especially now?”

“You know about our plans?” I repeat. “How do you know?”

“We have no secrets. Well, I suppose I have secrets from him now. Which I do not like,” he says sternly. “But I know about your baby plans. I have never seen him so happy


“Then why do you want to ruin it?”

“Because he has to know. If you end up having mine instead, a bit of a heads-up would be preferable, don’t you think?”

I gape at him, “You said it was less than zero chance I would.”

“Who knows, Liv. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. This is why a trip to the future would be useful. You didn’t answer my question. Why especially now?”

“What? Oh, he’s getting that way. Erratic and volatile.”

“Yes, I had noticed. I wondered if you had. You know this is something you can fix.”


“By telling him it is okay to be who he is.”

“He knows that already,” I say carefully.

“No, he doesn’t. He has it in his head that he must be ‘good’ and ‘perfect’ and ‘worthy of you,’ otherwise you won’t love him. He is a killer, Livvie. We all are. Suppressing that is driving him crazy. Not to mention the other thing.”

Killer. He is a killer.

“What other thing?” I ask in dread.