“That’s new,” CK growls at him and he shrugs.

“She has one and now so do I. Like it or not, we are connected.”

“Xane,” I say quietly but he doesn’t say anything else before he Astraports out, leaving me to deal with the fall out. Thanks a bunch.

“It’s no big deal, okay,” I say and change the subject. “Linc, you wanted a word?”

“Yes,” he says and strides forward and thankfully everyone drops the marking thing and steps back. Apparently aggressive Alpha Wolves let off a leave-me-alone vibe that all of us take seriously.

“That conversation is not over,” CK says to me, but skirts around Lincoln to kiss me goodbye anyway as does Devon, and Jess waves to me as they leave. Sebastian stands his ground for a few more moments, wanting to say something but then he turns to leave too, leaving me, Cole, and Lincoln.

Lincoln stares down at Cole, who eventually caves, and snaps, “Fine, I’ll be in the bedroom. Don’t be long.” He kisses me and beats it, leaving us alone.

“Sorry,” he mutters. “I know I am being moody.”

“Don’t apologize, I understand,” I say and pull him to me.

He wraps his arms around me and sighs. “That’s better,” he says. “I need you near me. This is the first time that I haven’t been near you.”

It’s true. He has always been under the same roof as me in the run up to the full moon. I suppose, technically, we are under the same roof in this hotel, but it isn’t the same.

“What can I do?”

“Just be here for a while, please. It is especially difficult as we have our Pack now, but they aren’t here. It’s making me anxious. Do you feel it?”

I do now. It must be coming from him though as I didn’t before. Does that make me a bad Alpha? Or just a preoccupied one?

“Can I stay?” he asks suddenly and desperately. I know he didn’t want to ask but couldn’t help himself.

“Cole?” I call out, giving Lincoln a smile.

“Yes?” he asks, coming back into the room.

“He’s staying,” I say, trying for distraction as I run my hand up his arm. “We’ve always been together and it’s making him edgy being away.”

“Fine,” Cole grouses and stalks off to the bedroom muttering, “Fuck’s sake, we really do need that orgy bed.”

Lincoln flushes as I pull him into the bedroom with me. “No, no, Liv. I didn’t mean in here. I can sleep on the sofa.”

“No. In here,” Cole snaps at him. “It’s where she wants you.”

“No!” Lincoln says, becoming defensive. “The others would definitely take advantage of that, but you know that I wouldn’t.”

“Humph,” Cole says rudely but grudgingly accepts it as truth. “Still, you stay here. End of story.”

Lincoln blinks at me, his cheeks going a bit pink. It takes me a moment to catch on.

I turn to Cole. “He sleeps naked,’ I state with a small smile.

“So do I,” Cole retorts. “So do you,” he adds with a wicked smile.

“Oh?” I ask with an arched eyebrow. Is he suggesting what I think he is? I strip off and climb onto the bed, holding my hand out for Lincoln as I keep my eyes on Cole. I watch with growing hunger as Cole also strips off, his eyes firmly on mine. I see a world of emotion in them and I grasp the situation now for what it is. Cole is trying to make it up to me for what he did at the party. He thinks he has to, which is ridiculous. However, I will not look this gift horse in the mouth. I am going to take it at face value and ride the two of them like a raging nympho. I am practically shaking with the thought of both of their hands on me.

I cut my gaze to Lincoln, who is still standing there look

ing a bit awkward.

I gesture at him to hurry up and get undressed. I want to get this show started. Now!