“Yep, I have the most amazing story to tell you…oh, hello,” he says, eyes catching me and taking in my wet hair along with Xane’s.

Well, I was right, he looks exactly like his brother but younger. They are just little peas in a pod, these Draconis’.

“Hello,” I say, waiting for an introduction from Xane, which doesn’t come.

We stand in silence for a few moments before Xander says, “Queen Liv, right?”

I nod my confirmation and he takes my hand in his. “A pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you.”

“Oh?” I raise my eyebrow at Xane, who doesn’t look happy that his brother is still holding my hand and Xander says, “Oh, not from him. My parents are quite enamored with you.”

“I see,” I say and pull my hand from his. More awkward silence follows, so I turn from them and dry my hair, pinning it up neatly.

“Xane,” booms a voice from the corridor. It is Xerxes. “You have a…visitor,” he says unpleasantly as he joins us in the bedroom. This is now uncomfortable, and I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Whoever it is, tell them to make an appointment. I’m busy,” he snaps.

“Indeed,” Xerxes eyes flick briefly to me kindly, before they snap icily back to Xane. “Go downstairs at once. This needs dealing with. In fact, I had hoped it was something you had already dealt with,” he says in a reprimand that only a former ruler and father of the current ruler would get away with.

Xane looks at him curiously and then sighs, “Oh.” He turns to me with an apologetic look, “I have to sort this out.”

“No worries. Everything okay?” I ask.

“Just a problem that won’t go away,” he says with a look at Xerxes who nods in understanding.

“Can I help?” I ask, stepping closer to him as a woman’s voice from behind Xerxes says, “A problem? You think of me as a problem?”

Xerxes huffs and Xane sighs and Xander looks amused and I look...confused.

“What is going on here?” I ask him.

Xerxes steps aside and my eyes land on a striking woman several inches taller than me, even in my heels, with flaxen hair and cornflower eyes. Her eyes land on me and flick quickly to the very rumpled bed and then to Xane, in fury.

Uh-oh. Trouble brewing of the relationship kind. I had no idea he was involved with someone as he never said, all he said was he was taking himself off the market.

“And you would be?” she asks me rudely, stepping closer to Xane in a possessive move which he is not happy with.

“That is your Queen, CeeCee,” he says through gritted teeth.

Her eyes widen slightly, and she takes me in again. “I see,” she says and then looks at him and softens slightly. “I understand. It’s political. I can accept that.”

“That isn’t what this is,” he says softly and takes her by the elbow. “We need to talk, again, apparently.” And without a backward glance, he ushers her out of the room leaving me, Xerxes, and Xander to look at each other in silence.

“Well, if you will excuse me, I had better make sure that things don’t get too problematic,” Xerxes says and leaves hastily. Then there were two.

“Cefalonia Cerveaux of the House of Aldric,” Xander says to me by way of explanation. “Xane’s fiancée. Or ex as the case may be?” he asks me, and I have no answer to that.

“I guess that is up to them. Nothing to do with me,” I say, holding up my hands and absolving myself of any ramifications.

“No, I think it is everything to do with you. I have been here five minutes and I can see he is in love with you.”

“It makes no difference if he is beholden to duty,” I say, crossing my arms as he is looking intently at me and it is unnerving.

“Of course it makes a difference,” he scoffs. “Although, it is his own misfortune that he chose to fall in love with you, of all people.”

“Excuse me?” I ask, highly insulted by his tone.

“I don’t mean offense. Just that you are a Vampire and married.” His eyes go to my rings before piercing mine again. “Do you intend to divorce your husband and marry my brother, forsaking all others?”