I glance quickly at Cole and thankfully, somehow, he is still fast asleep. He must have been beat. He follows my gaze and frowns. “Something seems off here. What have you done?” he steps forward quickly to peer at me from just the other side of the magickal barrier, pushing it back into me. I stumble as he says, “What have you been up to?”

Having enough of this damn barrier, with a quick zing, I bring G.I. to my hand and he quickly steps back again but regains his composure straight away and chuckles at me. “You can’t get to me. You don’t know how.”

Well, I would if he would drop this bloody barrier. That is something other Liv forgot to mention. “I will figure it out and end you once and for all,” I say, keeping up the pretense of knowing nothing and trying to slice the sword through the force field, to no avail. Damn, it’s powerful. If even the fake G.I. can’t get through it, I am screwed without assistance.

“I look forward to your efforts, my dear,” he says before he vanishes, and the force field drops as Cole wakes up.

“Liv?” he sits up as he sees me standing there with my Hellfire sword brandished at nothing and a murderous look on my face. “What happened? Did you get rid of him?”

“No. I wouldn’t be standing here with this in my hand if I had,” I whine, waving the sword about and he flinches, so I send the sword back to the armory. “Other me forgot to mention how to get him out from behind that fucking force field.”

“Oh. Maybe same as last time? Get him to pull you into it instead?”

“Gee that was a funfest…not. There must be another way.” I chew my lip as I crawl back onto the bed beside him.

“Goad him out. Call him a coward or something. You know, like in a Western movie,” Cole says with a chuckle and I smile at him.

“Do you feel better?”

“Yes,” he says, checking the clock. “We’re going in an hour. Go feed and then get changed.”

“Yes, sir.” I salute and he grabs me.

“Hm, now that is what you can call me,” he murmurs against my mouth before he bites my bottom lip.

“You like that, don’t you?” I ask seductively as I push him back to the bed and climb on top of him. He grins at me but pushes me off.

“I told you, later,” he says.

“Don’t reject me,” I say, pouting.

“I’m not rejecting you; I’m postponing you. Think of it as foreplay,” he teases.

“Humph, I remember that feeling of having to wait. It’s not fun,” I complain.

“But remember how incredible it was when we didn’t have to wait anymore?” he reminds me, and I sigh.

“Yes, all I wanted to do was bite you and fuck you senseless,” I say, snuggling into him.

He laughs. “It seems so strange that I didn’t know what you were then. I feel like I have known you forever,” he whispers.

“We were destined,” I whisper back. “In this world you are my destiny. The Chosen One.” I pull him to me for a kiss and he kisses me back with fervor but then pulls away.

“Oh no, you don’t get to manipulate me into fucking you before we get to the party,” he says, and I flop back to the bed with a groan.

“You are no fun.”

“Oh, I will be later. I promise you,” he says. “Now, go feed.”

And on cue there is a knock at the door, and it is Ramon and CK.

I approach him, starving, and he smiles at me as CK eyes me warily and coldly. “Aefre,” he says. “He is here for you, do not forget about him.”

“But I do,” I say. “I think I need to take a leaf out of her book.”

“And what was that?” he asks, distracted about something and not in a good mood at all.

“She had regimented feeds. Specific times every day. No matter what, she was interrupted and had to feed.”