“I’m not that exhausted,” I say to him with a smile and I sense Xane’s grimace.

“Aefre. We do need to talk about what our future selves said to us about that…thing,” CK says to me as we disembark.

“We will. I promise. I just need to forget about everything for a few hours. This has been one big mind-fuck.”

“Well, I won’t argue with that. Do come and find me as soon as you wake.”

“What did they say to you?” Cole asks. “They told us they couldn’t tell us anything. Except, well…” he trails off.

“What did they say to you?” CK and I ask.

Devon answers for him as he hesitates, “They said that their Liv wouldn’t have brought them back to this time and, I quote, ‘that they didn’t want to stay here and live out the next hundred years again. No fucking way.’” I notice Cole look gratefully at him.

“Hm,” I say.

“What do you know?” he asks.

“She said I need to get back to my rightful place, my family. That too much damage has been done. Something is coming. I can feel it.”

“You said that yesterday," Cole says. “Do you think this is the start of it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how much damage we did by jumping all over the time-space continuum.”

We are greeted by Grayson at this point, and Dawn

, who caught the commercial flight back and somehow made it here before us.

I snuggle up to Cole in the limo and fall asleep in his arms.

“Liv,” he says gently. “We’re here.”

I reluctantly open my eyes and stretch. “Already?” I complain.

“I can carry you up if you’d like?” he says.

“No, I think that will attract too much attention,” I reply with a small smile as he helps me out. I cling to him as he does me, both of us still feeling the loss of the other with all of this crazy time travel business.

Soon, we are upstairs in our hotel suite. Devon lingers, sending Jess packing with Grayson to her own room. She is distraught, but at least she hasn’t gone feral. Yet.

“I know you are tired,” Cole says to me, “but I need you Liv. I am desperate for you. I thought I had lost you.”

“You will never lose me,” I tell him with a big yawn. “Stay?” I add to Devon.

He nods eagerly and climbs on the bed.

“We will do all the work. You just lie there,” Cole chuckles. “Please, I need you.”

“Well, I’m not going to refuse an offer like that,” I say with a snort. “Go ahead.” I lie back and they dive on me, kissing me all over, sucking my nipples till they ache, nipping at me and gently clawing me into a state of the utmost desire. “Oh, yes,” I gasp. “Oh, The gods. I love you, both.”

“I love you, Liv,” Cole whispers as he makes love to me so slowly, while Devon kisses me deeply. Neither ask for anything in return, just to please me and I let them, loving them even more.

I fall into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning. I am half awake, and that hasn’t happened to me since being held by Lance. I usually go flat out, especially since becoming Queen. I eventually feel myself dropping off.

I am standing in the main kitchen at Castle Black. I am looking through a cupboard for something and I feel different. Something feels very, very odd with me.

“There you are,” his voice says to me from the doorway and I turn with a smile.

“You’re back,” I say, moving towards him.