“Oh, really?” I ask with an arched brow. “And who, pray tell, did you manage to rope into doing that on short notice?”

“Rope? I didn’t have to rope anyone into doing anything,” he says, affronted. “Paid maybe, but that was kind of expected,” he adds with a shrug.

“I see. And what time will she be here?”

“No, not here. We are going there.”

“There?” I say with a frown. “Is that such a good idea what with you being so recognizable?”

“It’s a masked party, my dear, and the girl will be blindfolded. At all times. A pre-requisite.”

“Well, you have certainly thought this through. Where did you find out about this place?”

“Devon. He seems to know where everything is in the whole world when it comes to Vampires being themselves,” he says with a small chuckle and a shiver goes down my spine. And not the good kind. Seems that my darling boy has been keeping some secrets regarding his extracurricular activities.

“He will be coming with us?”

“He will be coming with us, but to do his own thing,” he says.

“Where is it?”

“A mansion out in Coconut Grove.”

“Okay. Wait, that seems unfair on Devon,” I state.

“Actually, he’s bringing Jess,” he mutters.

I frown at him. “Oh?”

“Yeah, He…doesn’t feel quite so anti about her now.”

“Is that right.” This is not what I wanted to hear. “You’ve spoken now?”

“Briefly. He’s kinda digging the sire worship.” He gives me a lopsided smile which I squint at.

“Is he now?” I inquire not-so-sweetly.

“Look, I know it’s not what you want, but it is what it is now.”

“I guess,” I say uncertainly.

“Anyway, stop thinking about them and think about us,” he says with a winning smile.

“Mm, what would you like me to think about?”

“What I am going to do to you later,” he says as he kisses me.

“Just me? Or her as well?” I ask slyly.

“Oh, I have specific plans for her, but you are what interests me the most.”

“Specific plans?” I ask, suddenly worried.

“Uh-huh,” he says as he slowly bites me with his regular teeth before he Shifts and his fangs puncture my skin and he starts to suckle, distracting me from further inquiry as to his plans. He is getting good at that…too good.

“Don’t be worried,” he says. “I am not going to do anything you don’t want me to.”

“What is it you want to do?” I ask with a slight gulp.