“Then you find the sword and do your thing,” she says. “I will elaborate further when you help me again.”

My shoulders sag as I realize she isn’t going to tell me any more. “What this time?”

She flicks her eyes to Cole and back to me and says, “Can we speak privately?”

“Do you mind, baby?” I ask him and he shakes his head but doesn’t move.

She laughs at him. “Oh, please, it isn’t like I have never seen it before.”

“Not mine you haven’t,” he says through gritted teeth, swirling his finger in the air and she continues to giggle, turning around. “You have no need to be shy, I quite enjoy seeing you naked,” she says as he scrabbles off the bed and into a pair of sweats quicker than I can blink.

“Again, not me,” he says as she turns back to face him.

“Same diffs,” she says offhandedly.

“Completely diffs,” he says as he bends to kiss me. “Don’t be too long.”

“I won’t,” I say, hoping she will leave soon, as Tiamat was quite specific that all this time hopping had to stop.

“So, what can I do for you this time?” I ask, climbing off the bed and shifting into something a little less comfortable.

She looks uncertain as she bites her bottom lip and says awkwardly, “I need some help with…” she waves her hand at herself.

“The way you dress?” I ask. “Cover up a bit, it’s not rocket science.”

She glares at me and says, “Specifically, with an outfit that he would like to see me in on our date.”

Oh! “He’s taking you on a date?” I splutter.

“Not exactly. I am taking him.”

“He agreed to go on a date?”

“Yes, why do you sound so surprised? I told you, it is working,” she huffs at me.

“I’m just surprised he agreed to go on a date full stop. My CK doesn’t date,” I add.

“Oh. Why not? Mine does. Jess throws shit fits at him, but I think he does it partly to irritate her.”

“Jess?” I ask and remember with a gulp that in her world, CK sired Jess. I don’t even want to know how that happened.

“Yes, his charge and girlfriend? You have one here, I saw her on the jet,” she says.

“Girlfriend?” I choke. “They are together?”

“They live together, yes. I take it they don’t here?”

“No!” I snap loudly. “He isn’t her sire. Devon is.”

“What?” she snaps back, just as loudly. “How the hell did that happen?” It comes out as a roar.

I’m quite impressed at this show of jealousy and nod approvingly, but say, “Look, we are getting off course here. I do not want to know the ins and outs, as I am sure you don’t. Where are you going?”

“Actually, I do want to know why my husband sired the girl. The Opera.”

“Devon isn’t your husband here.”

She shrugs. “More’s the pity. Tell me, why do you call our sire CK?”