“Corinne told you he was your father?”

“Yes, and then it was confirmed by other you and other Constantine. And I, she, had these markings on her arms. Like the ones on your back but with thorns instead of leaves. And she could walk in the sun I think, like you can.”

“How do you know about the markings on my back?” he asks suspiciously.

Oh, oops. “I, err, had a sort of vision awhile back. It’s not important. Tell me more.”

He stares at me, then takes my hands and pulls me up. He leads me to the sofa, and we sit. “How are you Drake’s daughter?” he asks.

“My mother had an affair with him,” I say. “Obviously.”

He looks at me, abashed. “Obviously,” he repeats.

“Seb, I need to know what you know.”

“It is destined in the stars that the first-born son of the Light Fae King would marry the only daughter of the Dark Fae King and their child would be the future ruler of a united race.”

Again, with the uniting. “I take it you are Aelfric’s first born then?”

“Yep. Only I don’t see how this can possibly come true. I am a Vampire and so are you. It makes no sense to me.”

“Me either,” I mutter.

“Not to mention that my father banished me. I haven’t been back to Court in two thousand seven hundred and sixty years.”

“That opens up a whole bunch of questions, like are Faeries immortal? I suppose they must be, and if this supposed starry fate is inevitable, how or why would he banish you? Don’t they need you?”

“To answer your first question, yes, Faeries are immortal. The Fae Kings have been around for thousands of years. As for the other two, maybe once I was turned it was decided that it would never happen, because it wouldn’t have been possible. And clearly Drake has no daughters. That he knows of.” He peers at me, “I am going to assume he doesn’t know about you?”

“Corinne says not and to not go looking for him.”

“That would be advisable,” he says wryly.

I arch my eyebrow at him. “You know him?” I ask.

“I have had the honor, unfortunately.”

“What is he like?” I ask, unable to help myself.

“You said the other you had markings?” he asks, ignoring me. “He must have found out about her and accepted her as one of the Dark Fae.”

“I guess so. Erm, can I tell you something that you cannot tell anyone else?” I say a bit warily.

“Livvie, I can assure you that this entire conversation never happened.”

“Even from CK?” I chew my lip and he squints at me.

“You haven’t told him?”

“I haven’t told anyone. I didn’t know what to make of it.”

“Well, he won’t hear it from m

e, but you should tell him.”

“I can’t. Not when you hear what I have to tell you.”

“That sounds ominous. What is it?” He turns to the side to face me and his shift makes me realize that he still has hold of my hand. I lace my fingers through his and he squeezes tightly.