“We’ll go to my suite. I have some things I want to say to you as well.” I gulp at his tone and his blank expression.

“I’ll just tell them I’m going.”

“I’ve already told them,” he says.


He Teleports out without me, leaving me to follow. How rude.

I find him staring thoughtfully out of the window. “I should have known it was too good to be true,” he states the second I get there. “I mean why would you come to me because of me?”

“She did though,” I say.

He spins around. “I mean you, Liv. Not her,” he spits out viciously.

“Sebastian, in her world the two of you are in love. Of course, she was going to come to you, even though it was wrong of her to pretend to be me, I understand it. You have a connection with her, the likes of which I have never seen or felt. You know why, don’t you?” I ask hesitantly.

He just stares at me for the longest time. “I don’t care about them,” he says. “I don’t care about their connection.”

I frown at him. “But their connection is what ours will become,” I say slowly.

He frowns back at me. “What are you saying?”

“When you touch me, what do you feel?” I ask instead, stepping closer to him. He must know. He has to.

He closes his eyes and steps back. “Don’t come any closer.”

“Sebastian, tell me what you feel,” I say, stepping closer again.

“Like it is meant to be,” he whispers, opening his eyes and I see his sorrow and his pain. “I feel like we belong together. Which is ridiculous because I barely know you and you belong to our sire,” he says, losing his temper and stepping closer to me now. I don’t back down though but look up at him.

“We do belong together,” I say quietly. “You know what I am. I know you do. I know you feel it.” I reach out to him to touch his bare arm and sparks fly. He flinches, staring down at me and shakes his head.

“No, it can’t be. How can that be?” he asks.

Fate? Destiny? Who knows? “I overheard them talking in the other world. You said that we were the two people in the whole world, born nearly two thousand years apart, who actually do belong together.”

“No,” he says. “Liv, stop this.” He walks away from me and adds, “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want you to know. I know you are hurting over what happened and I just need you to know how things are.”

“Hurting?” He turns around to face me. “Hurting? You think this is hurt? She came to me and said she wanted me, I took her into the bedroom thinking all the time it was you and made love to her as she did to me. It was perfect and beautiful. Just how I wanted it. Just how I have always wanted it. I told her I loved her, and she said it back. No, I told you that I loved you and she said it back. Then I find out it wasn’t you at all but some stranger from a different world!” He is yelling at me now and I let him vent. “This isn’t hurt, Liv, it feels like someone has a hold of my heart and is crushing it slowly and I can’t breathe, and you saying all these things is making it worse. You say we belong together, that we are in love in the other world. Are we married?” He doesn’t wait for an answer as he continues, “No, of course we aren’t because you are married to him. I will always lose out to him because that is the way it has always been and will always be. Here, there, the other there. Fuck! This is all so fucked up!” He sweeps his arm across the end table sending everything flying and crashing to the floor. “I touch you and I want to die. Right there because nothing will ever come close to what I feel for you and what I feel when I touch you. Tell me why that is, Liv. I want to hear you say it because the only reason I can come up with, is not possible.”

“Because you are Aelfric’s son and I am Drake’s daughter,” I say and he closes his eyes and sinks to his knees, shaking his head.

“The Chosen Two,” he says.

Chapter 7

“The Chosen Two?” I ask with a frown, sinking to my knees in front of him.

“You are Drake’s only daughter?” he asks me instead.

I shrug. “I don’t know, Seb. I know very little about this. Only what Corinne said she suspected and then the little I got from when I was over there. You must know more?”

He shakes his head. “It’s impossible. You can’t be. You can’t be Dark Fae. You have no Powers that I can tell, and you don’t even look like them.”

“Look like them?” I ask.