Devon is in front of me then, kissing me, his hands in my hair before he drops his mouth lower. He snaps his fangs down and feeds from me desperately, mewling like a starving kitten, before he releases me and drops his mouth even lower. Over my breasts, down, down to my clit.

I gasp in surprise and then moan in utter bliss as he takes his tongue to my clit again, while I pump up and down on Cole. Oh, it would be so easy to slip him out of me and let Devon suck him off, but it has never been discussed and I doubt either one would go for it. Especially Cole. But the thought of it brings the first wave of pleasure, before the second one hits me in a double rush as my two boys bring me to a mind shattering finish together.

My only thought in the aftermath is: this is perfect.

“I love you,” I murmur to Cole as we three lie on our backs panting at the top of the bed.

“I love you too,” he murmurs back. I turn on my side to Devon and put my hand on his chest as I still need to feel him, and he takes it in his own.

“Do you know what makes this an even sweeter deal?” he asks, blue eyes glinting wickedly at me and then at Cole who has turned onto his side to feed from me.

“What’s that then?” I say with a smile because I am certain I know what he is going to say.

“It’s a Wednesday!” he says in glee and Cole bursts out laughing, ripping his fangs from my neck in the process.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Cole says, raising his hand for a high five to which Devon grins and gives him. Honestly, men are just so silly.

“Indeed,” I say. “I wouldn’t go rubbing it in though. He’s getting itchy.”

“Itchy? What do you mean?” Cole asks.

“He gets like this every hundred years or so. Itching for a fight. In fact,” I turn back to Cole, “He might be the perfect one to take you out if you still want to go.”

His eyes flick to Devon’s, then back to mine. “Yes, I still want to go. But I don’t want to go with him. That might be a bit too much of an experience for me,” he says with a small smile.

“Take you out where?” Devon inquires pseudo-innocently.

“Nowhere,” I say at the same time Cole says, “Hunting.”

Devon’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. I…err…oh.”

“Exactly,” I say with a sigh.

“Don’t be judgy,” Cole snaps at me then rounds on Devon. “I am sure you will have, if not already, the same situation with Jess.”

Well, can’t say either of us can argue with that.

“I have in fact been lumbered with this problem with Jess,” Devon says slowly. “But I expected it of her. You never seemed to be concerned with it.”

“Don’t call it a problem,” he says sullenly. “I was doing what Liv wanted me to. But I can’t keep being so restrained. It’s too hard.”

“Sorry,” Devon mutters. “I know how you feel.” He looks at me and I let him say what I know he wants to, “I will help you. It will be difficult for Liv to take you.”

I chew my lip, trying to push myself further into the bed as they stare at each other across me. I feel like I shouldn’t be here and that is quite awkward.

“Thanks,” Cole says then, clearing his throat as he senses my discomfort.

“Moving on,” Devon says, also clearing his throat, “I suppose I should go.”

“No,” I say holding him back. “You’re staying. Please. I am not ready to let you go yet.”

He nods happily at me. I kiss him as I snuggle under the covers and they both follow suit. Ah yes, us three in a bed I am comfortable with and can accept.

Chapter 5

They both fall asleep a couple of hours later, but I am wide awake. For the most part because I am not risking going back to sleep in case I end up back as E.A. I am now sure I inadvertently switched us and that she inadvertently switched us back. After what they said, I am not amused that she was reluctant to go and even less so about what she got up to. Mind you, she is going to have some explaining of her own to do when she wakes up to the two in her bed. Which brings my thoughts back to Sebastian. He looked so hurt. What did she say to him? What did he say to her? Oh, I am going to have to go down there and say something to him, try and make it right. I really, really do not want to go down there. I would rather take on all thirteen of The Thirteen then go and face her music. Stupid, stupid woman.

That reminds me, no one has mentioned The Thirteen since I got back. It must not have made an appearance. I wonder if it knew it was her who had already defeated it and not me, the weak one, and so it stayed away? I guess we will find out soon enough now that I am back. Just not tonight, I beg. Just give me the rest of tonight with my two beloved boys. I stare at both of them sleeping and my heart fills with such love for them. I can’t go back to that world where they aren’t. I wonder if she will go and find Cole now? That thought both comforts me and creeps me out. Oh, stop thinking, woman, I cry at myself. I have Cole and Devon in my bed together and I am sitting here worrying about crap that can be dealt with later. There isn’t going to be much of a later with them here like this, so I need to do something about it.