CK and Sebastian see my tears and back away, leaving me alone with Cole and Devon. I see CK take Sebastian forcefully by the arm and Teleport them, to wherever. Oh, I can only imagine how hurt he is. Stupid, stupid woman. At least I only engaged with those she was already doing. And that makes me feel even worse because I shouldn’t have done it anyway.

“Liv,” Cole starts carefully. “I am sorry, I didn’t know. I knew you weren’t acting yourself, but I thought with the whole dreams thing and The Thirteen…”

“It’s okay,” I say as Devon starts to say the same.

“Christ, I didn’t know,” he says. “How could I not know? Lizzie, I knew as well that something was off, but our bond was just as it should be. I didn’t even think for a second it wasn’t you.”

“Don’t apologize,” I say, feeling awful. Can I tell them that I was also gadding about? It is even worse because I knew what I was doing. They clearly didn’t.

“I need you,” I say to them. “Both of you. I thought I had lost you. You weren’t there. She never turned you.”

“What?” Devon says, now fully taking this information in. “We weren’t there? I wasn’t there?”

I shake my head, “No. She…I don’t think she had any charges. Her turning in 1012 must have prevented her from being in England in 1506.”

“You mean Constantine prevented you from being in England in 1506,” he says bitterly.

“Her,” I say forcefully, and he blinks at me.

“Of course. Sorry.”

“Speaking of Constantine, how could he not tell us if he knew?” Cole asks and then he has a ‘Eureka’ moment and answers his own question, “Because he knew you would find out that I slept with her.” He sits heavily on the bed next to me and takes my hand, “Liv…I…”

“Don’t. Just don’t, okay? Please, just hold me. I don’t want to go back to that place. It was… well, not as bad as the other place, but it was intense. Shit.”

“How do you mean?”

“Her life is crazy. She has a bat-shit crazy life. I don’t want that,” I say, snuggling into Cole as he crushes me to him.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Devon says, still despondent.

“No, don’t go,” I say. “Please.” I reach out and take his hand. He sits and the three of us get lost in our own thoughts for a few minutes.

“You still could have found Cole,” Devon says suddenly. “But it was too late for me. Fuck.” He drops his face into his hands. “I am finding this very difficult to accept.”

“You and me both,” I say quietly as I let go of Cole and wrap my arms around Devon.

“I am dead. In that world, I am dead,” he says to me, his face stricken. “I don’t even know how to process that.”

“Baby, that isn’t our world. This is. And you are here. I am here and Cole is here. This is what is real.”

“Don’t go back there. Please don’t go back there, ever. I don’t want you in a world where I am not,” he whispers to me.

“I won’t,” I say, hoping that I won’t ever go back there.

He kisses me and I kiss him back, needing to feel him. I pull away after a few moments and look at the clock. It is 11 PM. “How long was I asleep?” I ask suddenly as the time difference makes no sense.

“About four hours,” Cole says.

“Why were you trying to wake me?”

“You were screaming and writhing about like you were in pain,” he says.

I was? I guess that explains Devon and CK’s presence. They must have sensed it.

“Do you remember what you were dreaming?” he asks hesitantly.

“No, I don’t think I was. It was her. She didn’t want to go back,” I say as I stand up.