“I want my phone and I want to see my daughter,” I say, turning back to him with an authority which I hope she has. I see his face drop slightly and now I see I am acting like her. The cold-hearted bitch. “Please,” I say, as I can’t bear to hurt him, and for good measure lean forward to give him a lingering kiss. He deepens the kiss and pushes me over so that I am now pinned under him. “Aefre, please, my love. Just rest today,” he says quietly.

I frown at him. “Why do you keep calling me ‘my love’?” I ask suddenly. “Not once in the last two days have you called me ‘my sweet.’ Why is that?”

He looks taken aback and frowns down at me. “What are you talking about? I don’t think I have ever called you that?”

He hasn’t? I wonder why that is? And, well, that is a bit of faux pas on my behalf as he is looking at me now like I belong in the loony bin. I kiss him to distract him and it works up to a point.

“Are you sure you are feeling okay?” he asks as he pulls away.

I sigh, this is getting to the point of annoying now. “I’m fine,” I snap. “Now either fuck me or go and get my phone and our daughter.”

His mouth drops open and he chides me, “Aefre, language, my love. It is not fitting for you to be cussing so blatantly.”

Cussing so blatantly? I am in bed with my husband for fuck’s sake. I would hardly call that shouting it from the rooftops.

“Well, if you aren’t going to see to me then you know what to do,” I remark with a pointed look and he thinks it over for a few seconds. Gee, insulting much?

“You are acting so differently. I just can’t keep up with your mood swings,” he says. “I will go and get Sebastian. Maybe he can bring you back to yourself,” he adds so sadly I want to cry.

“No,” I say, pulling him back. “I want you.”

Clearly that was the right thing to say as he then needs no further persuading, and after a very satisfactory fucking (or whatever she would call it, as she isn’t allowed to use that word), he then goes off happily to find my daughter and my phone. Err, her daughter and her phone.

I take this opportunity to shower and change into something suitable. She has zero casual clothes, so I go for a plain black pair of pants and a white shirt. Boring, boring, boring. But I am thrilled to find a whole separate closet full of Louboutins. Ah, something we finally have in common. I s

lip into a pair of plain black patents and sit on the bed once again, trying to get back home. I wonder why I can’t do it. Is it because I am in her body, so she is the one who wields the power to switch us back? It must be, I think with a sinking feeling that my life compared to hers must be like a holiday for her. Spring Break in Miami. She probably doesn’t want to come back here. Even if she realizes that she is the one to switch us back, but that probably hasn’t even occurred to her. I sigh as the door opens and Cassis walks in warily.

“Father said you wanted to see me and to give you this.” She holds out the phone and I take it with a smile. Locked of course, dammit. I frown and say, “What’s the code?” not caring if it makes me sound like a nutjob.

She frowns back and says, “2277. Are you sure you should be up and about, Mother? You are clearly not in your right frame of mind.”

2277. Now, that is bizarre as mine is 2233. I wonder what that means to her?

“I am fine. Just tired. Please sit.”

She does but stays silent as she glares at me to start talking. Oh, she is her father’s daughter, all right. She is the spitting image of him and has his features and expressions and it makes me smile. CK would adore her.

She smiles hesitantly back, and I start, “Cassis. I know we have had this argument over,” I gulp, “Lance. But I am just trying to look out for you.”

She purses her lips. “You don’t have to, Mother. He is wonderful. Perfect. We are in love and we are getting married. End of story.”

I go slightly nauseous at her words. This is all so…I shudder. “Okay,” I say to her surprise. I will get on her good side as I want to talk to her and get to know her. I will go and check Lance out for myself. “I am only trying to protect you, but if you think he is what you want then, fine.”

She takes this with suspicion, but I can see a part of her wants to believe it.

I know I am probably about to ruin this though with my next words, but I just have to know. “He treats you well?” I ask slowly. “He doesn’t make you do anything…that you aren’t…erm, comfortable with…in the bedroom?”

She flushes and says, “Mother! That is none of your concern.”

I press on though, “He doesn’t hurt you in any way?”

“He treats me like a Queen. We are perfectly compatible,” she says. “I do not wish to discuss this further.”

Well, I don’t blame her, can’t say that I am all that comfortable with this, but I just have to know she is safe. I will go and find Lance soon and make sure he knows that I am watching him. Well, for as long as I am here at any rate.

“Very well,” I say then just as formally as she does. “We are okay now?”

She sighs. “Yes, Mother, we are okay.” She smiles and stands to give me a quick kiss on the cheek and I feel the bond she has with her.