“Please,” he says to us. “We want this so much.”

“What?” I say. “Isn’t that damaging the future?”

She lets go of her CK and comes to stand in front of me and says, “Please, Liv. We want this baby, but we need your help. Please go back to your time and start.”

“I’m not ready,” I whisper, horrified.

“But I am,” she states firmly. “It won’t be you who has it, it will be me.”

I take that in and nod. I guess Future me is ready to be a mommy.

“But you will need to…erm…” she trails off. She suddenly yells out in my head, “YOU NEED TO LIFT THE CURSE.”

I step back, startled. “No need to shout!” I snap back at her in her head. “Why? I need it,” I add.

“The ritual won’t start working until you lift it,” she responds telepathically.

I look at CK and he is glaring back at us as he knows we are discussing something privately.

“Fine. But if I get baby Shifters buns, or worse, in my oven, I will be coming back here to kick your arse,” I grouse at her.

“Thank you,” she says out loud now, sincerely. “You have no idea how happy we will be.”

“No worries,” I say, quickly glancing at my own CK.

“Go now, back to your own family,” she says.

“I hope I do end up with my own family,” I say, and she peers at me curiously. “Never mind,” I add. She steps forward and hugs me. I pat her swiftly on the back.

“Open yourself up more,” she chides me. “You aren’t very friendly.”

I glare at her and she gives me a look back to say, “point proven.” I adjust my features accordingly. “Bye, me,” I say and turn to her CK. “Bye, Future CK. I look forward to finally having you as my sexy husband in the future,” I wink at him and he glows.

“It was the happiest day of my life the day you became my sexy wife. And,” he looks at her, “I am glad to see that my wife can still be made jealous. Even if it is by herself.”

She glares at him and sidles closer taking him in her arms as he does the same, “Don’t flirt with Past me. It’s creepy,” she says.

“I have to agree,” my CK says to me. “Aefre, if you want to flirt, I am right here.”

“You flirt? Hah!” I snort and she chuckles at us.

“Come, my love,” I say and take his hand. He grips me tightly and looks adoringly at me. Her CK looks the same way at her and I smile at them and close my eyes. We disappear and I hope we get back to where we belong.

The G6, Pearson International Airport, Toronto, 2013 – Liv

“Is it you this time? Really you?” Cole asks worriedly as he rushes to me and, grabbing my hand, he checks my rings.

“Depends, answer me two questions, what year is it and are you my husband?”

“2013 and yes.”

“Then I think it is really me,” I say before he swoops down and kisses me.

“Thank fuck,” he says.

“Yes, thank fuck,” Devon says. “Now please can you get rid of the other you. I love you, Lizzie and if we were married, I would be over the moon but Christ, you are wild. I don’t think I can bear you as my wife much longer.”

“Oh no. Not that one.” I sink my head into my hands and ask, “She’s here?”