“I am sure she has, but you know how she is. So ice cold and protective of herself. Never lets anyone in, not even you or me. I don’t know how you stand it sometimes.”

“I love her. You understand that,” he says, somewhat pointedly.

“That I do.”

“It’s going to be hard for me, ‘Bastian. You know that, don’t you?” he says softly.

“I do,” Sebastian says just as softly. “If there was any other way…” he sighs. “You had the bad luck of picking the two people in the world, spaced out over nearly two thousand years, who actually do belong together.”

“Bad luck? It’s the worst fucking luck. But I wouldn’t take it back. I just want you to know that while I accept it, I will struggle to see her that way, with you.”

“I know. Believe me, I do know.”

They both sigh and go silent. While this is quite informative about their feelings, I am not exactly getting much else from it. I could do with some crib notes. Ooo, her phone. She must have one knocking about here somewhere. If I can get my hands on it, maybe I will learn more about her.

“Speaking of…” Sebastian clears his throat. “How is Cassis?”

“Perfect,” Constantine says with pride. “The only dark cloud is this fight she is having with Aefre.”

Now this is more like it…do go on.

“I don’t understand it either. I don’t see what she has against Lance. He’s great and they are so perfect together.”

I draw in a sharp intake of breath, which I cover up with a slight shuffle on the bed as I want them to keep speaking. Lance? My daughter is hooking up with Lance? I feel like I am going to be sick. Why would Constantine let his daughter be with that monster? Unless he isn’t a monster here? They are talking about him like he is…normal. If I don’t like what I hear, if they carry on talking about it, I will go and kill him again myself, right now.

“I know. I couldn’t be happier, and I know Cassis is over the moon with the upcoming wedding, but…I just don’t understand it. He is the kindest, gentlest man I know. She must know that I would never have my daughter anywhere near anyone who could hurt her.”

Kind? Gentle? Oh, puh-leese. He must be fooling the lot of you. Except other me. Sounds like she is onto him. Good girl.

“Well, not that she can’t take care of herself. Last time I threw down with her, she kicked my ass from here to next week,” Sebastian laughs then.

“Well, you will insist on sparring with her,” Constantine says also with a laugh.

“Anything to spend time with my god daughter,” he says fondly.

Oh, this is getting weird again now, I think as I chew my lip. I want to go home. I don’t like it here in this world where Lance is the bee’s knees and I am apparently an ice-cold bitch. I miss Cole and I miss Devon and I can’t believe that they aren’t here. Now that I have time to process this, I am devastated. I try to get myself back home but nothing. If I am stuck here it is too late for Devon. He is long since gone and that wrenches at my heart. But Cole isn’t. He is still around, well in theory, in L.A. or Miami if he is on the movie. I can still get to him. We can still meet and fall in love and turn him and get married. Oh, wait…no. I am married to Constantine. Well, all the rest. We can still be together. But what about Devon…what if I never see him again? I can’t bear that. It is too much, and I start crying despite myself and Sebastian turns to me in surprise and Constantine is at my side instantly. “Aefre? What is it, my love?” he asks.

I snivel, wiping my tears on the silk sheets. It’s not like she can’t afford to buy more. Should I tell them? Should I tell them I am not who they think I am? But after what I have just spent the day doing with Sebastian, he probably won’t take too kindly to the deceit. So, I decide to stick with the lie.

“I am so tired and hungry,” I say. “Constantine, I don’t know what is wrong with me.” I grab his hand and try to look ill. Although, I probably do anyway judging by the concerned look on his face.

“Aefre. Are you saying you feel unwell?”

It’s as good a ploy as any to explain away my behavior. And maybe if I am left alone to convalesce, I can get to Cole and try to get a bit of my life back. I will just have to try not to think too hard about Devon.

“Yes. I feel awful,” I say mournfully. I do, so it’s not a lie. They exchange a look over my head that I am not sure I like very much.

“I will get you a Feeder. Take as much as you need, don’t worry about the consequences. You need to be well, my love,” Constantine says.

Huh? Don’t worry about the consequences? I am not bloody killing someone. I’m not that hungry. Christ.

Stern Lincoln comes up with a Feeder soon after that and stands there glowering at me as I feed. Man, he really does not like her for whatever reason. Some bustling about later, I am fed and tucked up back in bed, having thankfully not killed the hapless Feeder.

“Sleep now,” Constantine says to me as he strokes my hair. I get lulled into a doze as he continues to sit with me until well after dark. I don’t want to sleep, really, as I am enjoying this. It is relaxing me, and I am thinking more positively. I will get back to my world. I will see Devon and Cole and Lincoln (my Lincoln, this one is pretty grim) and my sire and everyone else.

“I love looking after you,” he murmurs to me. “It has been so long since you let me take care of you. I love you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” I murmur back in automatic response to him and he stills, having expected me to be asleep. He resumes his task as I say no more, and I close my eyes. I hear Sebastian come back into the room and climb back in the bed with me.