“I do,” I say as he clearly thinks that she does. “I’m sorry, I am just tired.” This always works where I come from. Not so much here though as he frowns at me.

“Aefre, we need to make love now, today. We cannot miss this opportunity and then have to wait another six months. Our Kingdoms are waiting. They are expecting this baby. It is of the utmost importance. You know that.”

Baby? Oh, motherfucker…

Chapter 2

“Baby?” I croak and get a worried look in return.

“Aefre. You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” he asks desperately.

‘Baby’ keeps rattling around in my head and is bouncing off ‘Aefre’. How come he calls me that here? Oh, this is bad, so bad.

I shake my head as he looks terrified. “I am just a bit disconcerted this morning,” I say by way of an explanation.

“Disconcerted?” he asks, relieved. “I don’t think I have ever seen you anything but strong.” He tenderly brushes my hair away from my face. “I like you this way,” he whispers before he kisses me again.

Oh, crap. I can’t be changing the way people look at her. This is no good. I either have to come clean or act this out as she would. This is still her body so any baby making will be her problem, not mine, after I get back to my world. Besides, she is probably having it off with any one of my boys right now in my body. Tit for tat, I think irrationally as I obviously don’t know for sure what she is doing or if she is even there. I am just trying to justify having sex with Sebastian, as holy cow he is doing things to me that I have never felt before. His hands are leaving blazing trails all over me and that cold, dark space in my soul that is being ripped at by this Thirteen monster is finally getting warm and light again.

“Oh, Sebastian,” I murmur as he pulls away to take his clothes off. Wait, we are still on the bed she shares with her husband. This is kind of weird, but I forget all that when he kisses me again and pushes my robe apart. He sucks on my nipples and I feel myself get wet in response to him. Shit, I need to stop this. Right now. It is going to be hard to resist him when I get home at this rate. He wasn’t kidding when he said how he could make me feel. Oh, no…what if she goes off and has sex with him in my body? What if

I get up the duff with the future Empress because of her? Shit, shit, shit. I hope she stays away from him. But I know that she won’t because, how can she? Not when she has this with him.

Oh, just stop thinking for five minutes and enjoy this, I scold myself.

So, I do. Oh, but I do enjoy it immensely. This fizzy, fiery Fae connection thing aside, (as that has to be what it is) he is incredibly skilled. His bite is sharp and sweet and makes me come as soon as his fangs pierce my flesh and when I bite him as I move over him it sends him over the edge and the taste of him is pure and delicious. His hands splayed on my back are burning and I feel alive, perfect, and complete.


I push us back to the bed and kiss his chest and rest my head there as our breathing slows.

“Oh, Aefre,” he whispers. “You are amazing. I love you so much. I wish that we could be together properly. I wish I could take you from him. I would never hurt you like he does.”

Hm, interesting. Constantine said something before about her being upset with him. I wonder what he did? It can’t be the Serena thing, not when he knows about and approves of this thing she has with Sebastian. She can’t be that petty, surely.

I have no response for him because I daren’t say the wrong thing, and well, now that we have just done that, I can’t really tell him I am not who he thinks I am. This is a disaster, so I just smile at him serenely and kiss him to distract him. It works like a charm and soon he has me on my back, pounding into me as if there is no tomorrow. He flops forward and kisses me and then settles back into the pillows, pulling me to him, my back to his chest. We lie in silence for a while and then he kisses me and makes love to me again and I know that I should stop him, but I just can’t. It is too late now anyway. I must fall asleep eventually as I wake to the sound of voices. I stay where I am though, pretending to still be sleeping as I may learn some things while they talk. They being Constantine and Sebastian. Sebastian is still in the bed with me, which I find unbelievably awkward and I surreptitiously pull the sheet a bit higher over me to cover my naked breasts.

“How does she seem?” Constantine asks.

“She was a bit strange. Softer, different, hesitant even. I am worried.”

“Don’t go for as long next time. I can’t have her going off the rails because you aren’t here,” he says sternly.

“I won’t. I already told my father that I wouldn’t. If he wants me at Court, it will just have to be for a couple of weeks at a time.”

“Was Drake there?”

“Unfortunately, yes. He wants her there. He isn’t going to wait much longer.”

“She doesn’t want to see him,” Constantine says shortly. “I don’t blame her.”

“Hm, like it or not she is the Dark Fae Princess. At some point, she is going to have to go to the Court and learn.”

“I know,” he sighs. “But I won’t push her.”

“How are things now with you two?” Sebastian asks casually and I prick my ears up.

“Not good. I really hurt her this time, but this morning she seemed better, warmer. She kissed me properly and told me she loved me. I have hope that she has forgiven me.”